Nara Clan

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Nara Shikaku was called to lady Tsunade office as he lightly knocks on the door she says in a gentle voice come on in . As a short porcupine pineapple head boy walk through the door he says lady Tsunade you called me. yes yes Shikamaru we need to move Naruto and your home will be the next the shall have a vister for a month he has to be taught and trained with the new news when have received and found that the Uchiha Clan has been trailing him and also the mark that Sakura upon his shoulder . he nodded yes lady Tsunade we can try to help them out in certain areas she smiled and said well prepare the Nara home Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze,. As he leaves lady tsunade's office he shakes his head and says this is going to be troublesome. Shikamaru walks down his road to his house shaking his head and he runs into kg Shikamaru what are you up to tomorrow looks too choji I'm going to be having a Troublesome month. As Told to put his hand into a bag of potato chips and takes one out and places in his mouth Chomp Chomp Chomp what do you mean you're going to be Troublesome for a month where God I hate Naruto he said in such a dead tone Oh Children looked at him to stop the fourth Hokage son unfortunately yes and I hear he is so troublesome. Choji looks a time and a laugh well good luck with that as he walks down the road going to the BBQ Pit shop
Shikamaru reaches his house and he and said father . his father turns his head around yes Shikamaru is it he turns and looks at his father the lady Hokage lady Tsunade has said then we shall have a desire for a month Naruto his father looks at every reason for brow and a questioning look is that so he says with a nonchalant look on his face yes yes he answered his father. oh this shall be interesting will you need to you know we need to go and collect him today he nods his head and heads out .To Inohichi Yamanaka house. He lightly knocks on the door Inohichi Yamanaka answers he looks at him with a smile welcome Shikamaru thank you he says as he enters I am here to collect Naruto lady Tsunade says he has to be with us for months he nods and he yells upstairs Naruto collect your things it's time for us to move you. Naruto it's a small backpack in places were closed he has in it heads down stairs and kisses everybody and give them a hug and say I'll see you later Inohichi Yamanaka introduce introduces Naruto to Nara Shikamaru he shakes his hand and Naruto says nice to meet you he said there's a lazy voice yeah nice to meet you too . I guess you are to be our visitor for a month Naruto nodded as he walked Shikamaru look at him for you being such a knucklehead you don't really talk much do you Naruto giggles and says are you sure talk a lot it's just this is new for me check them over said oh yeah yeah that's right you live in America for a while so you've never been to Japan have you Naruto looked at him and said no full where were you when you first got back I was at Garra Kazakaga of the villagers of the sand. I spent seven months there as they was teaching me Japanese the culture The tradition Shikamaru not too sad it's smiles. They reach shikamaru's house and he opens the door his mother his father was there to greet him welcome they say to him shikamaru's father looks at him why don't you show Naruto to his room he nods as he walked up the stairs the Second Story walks to the left goes down 6 doors and opens up a room but with a guest room not too small but not too big with its own bathroom. I guess tomorrow we shall start your training I would advise you to head to bed soon with it being 8 o'clock at night he looks at him and tells Naruto my father does not believe and late risers we shall see you at 5 a.m. For breakfast then training sleep well Naruto as he closes the door and walked down the stairs to his own room. Naruto looks around the room and thanks to himself why are they constantly moving me from place to place I don't understand well I guess with the best of the situation as well enjoy myself while I can and learn what they wish to teach me he'll pack his clothes place in each of the drawers hanging his jeans and shirts in the closet he heads to the bathroom showers washes up and head to bed with his silky pajama bottoms on and lays down he looks out the window what are some reason something catches his eye but it was gone in a blink he just Shrugged it off and covers up and goes to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sasuke Pov.
Some reason they keep moving Naruto and I'm trying to figure out why we thought we had him pinpointed and yet they move them by setting the tree with my red eyes glowing and he sees and I move baka it is a good thing he Shrugged It Off as she goes to sleep I take my position back into the tree just waiting my time two when I can collect my beloved and head back to the Uchiha Clan but but for now I must sit and wait and watch I rub my hands together I watch him until the sun rises and I see movement in the house and I flee before the Sun hits me. As the sun rose just a little bit before it was fully in the sky Shikamaru comes to Naruto's door and Knocks Naruto he yells time to wake up father says you have 10 minutes to be ready and down here for breakfast we're having bacon and eggs with toast and some orange juice sorry it's not Ramen. Naruto list of head groggy off of the pillow and grumbles is people have to get up so early in the morning can't sleep in as you shakes his head he grabs him an outfit he walks into the bathroom and he takes a shower and cleaned up wrap the towel around his waist walks into his room placing his jeans his shoes and his shirt on walking down eyes barely open and sits at the table and eat his breakfast and drink a cup of coffee as he finished he took the plate and the cup and this is where I placed it in the sink and stove off and walked out the door to the training ground where is Shikamaru was waiting with a mischievous smile and he says Welcome to Hell Naruto he says a bit cocky and with a laugh and Naruto looks up and says Kami me help me.
He looks like Naruto and takes his stance placing two fingers on top of the other two and says Shadow clone Jutsu and right beside him appears in a puff of smoke a shadow clone Naruto looks at him what is that he says Shikamaru looks at him and says this is the shadow clone Jutsu and with the energy you have within you you can do more than just one you have chakra that is in your body that we must train to make you strong isnaruto places his fingers together the way Shikamaru did and he says Shadow clone Jutsu about 30 puff of smoke and 30 Shadow clone Jutsu clones appear. Shikamaru looks at Naruto with a grin Intel's not so impressive as he goes through different jutsus he shows him he teaches him how to use his kunai and the Stars and they trained 4 8 hours and head home as they were walking choji walking out of the grocery store konichiwa Shikamaru he says Shikamaru returns konichiwa choji this is Naruto Shikamaru Whispers in Naruto ear to where only Naruto can hear him just don't call him that fat pisses him off with this bright sunny smile and his beautiful bright Sky ocean blue eyes he says konichiwa choji looks at him and says Genki Desu Ka he looks at him Naruto response Genki desu . and told you smiles.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Word from the writer
konnichiwa is hello in Japanese Genki Desu Ka is asking someone how they are and Genki Desu is telling a person I am well. for each Japanese word I use I will put down what they mean I should have put this at the beginning but I'm sorry so back to the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Choji smiles and looks for being raised in America your Japanese is quite well Naruto smiles and bows in a honorable way to him. And with that they went to the house and got ready for the rest of the day. meanwhile at the Uchiha Clan home they were hashing out a plan to kidnap Naruto

 meanwhile at the Uchiha Clan home they were hashing out a plan to kidnap Naruto

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Hidden somewhere at an undisclosed location.

Word count 1,562

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