My helper

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Itachi woke up with the little boy in his arms seeing Naruto was already up tending to the little girl and the other two children. Naruto looks I did talk to you and says what are you doing here and he tells Naruto. I am here to help you I know stuff has gone down pretty bad from the beginning and he looks at him but Naruto I am in love with you I would lay my life down I have even left the clan just for you please accept me for who I am .And please let me help you. Naruto nods and tells him yes I will let you help me and we do have children together so we will always love one another but right now I don't even know what's true and what's a lie in my head. Naruto looks at him and says" I know and this I will help you understand. He tells Naruto to sit down and he does since then children were down for a nap. And he looks at Naruto let me tell you Itachi rub his head and then says Madara had planned who kidnapped you to make you a breeding slave .And to be made into Sasuke mate your mother and your father were killed due to the fact of you for you were the only man who was able to Bear children and with both your mother and your father's bloodline growing thick in you .They wanted to see if they may be able to combine the child of the Uchiha blood the Uzumaki blood and the Namikaze bloodline to create a powerful Ninja. But they were killed when your mother infiltrated them and your father applied and collected information at this time Lady Miko knew something was not right because they had not reported in so she sent Nicco to find you. She seeing that your mother and your father had been killed and you were sitting there so m lady Nicco sent you to the Kazakaga lord Gaara Karen here in Japan to teach you your heritage. Then from there they sent you to the leaf to Lady Tsunade to protect you then you were sent to Inohichi Yamanaka home then to Shikamaru Nara and his family's home to train you. And from there you was heading you to The Village hidden in the wave where you were abducted by the Uchiha .You were brainwashed you were marked Sasuke mate and each one of us including me but you to Mark you permanently. This I feel sorry about I wish I had never done it." said in a voice of regret and remorse and sorrow" . So I Left The clan it was the best way to try to help you regain your memories. And to know exactly how bad the Uchiha are this is why I have been given a mission , to eliminate every last Uchiha and let's hope I can convince Sasuke she take our side here in the leaf said to Naruto .Naruto nods and says I understand
Itichi spoke to Naruto as he spoke to him ."You see us Uchihas have Devils within us that to me feel like it's a curse and unfortunately I was unable to save you but let me help you. Naruto looks at you talk to you and see some crying and knows what Itachi is saying is saying is true we're Itachi was one that could never hide his feelings. Naruto walks over to touch and hug him and kiss him and says I Love you Itachi and I will do as you ask me. I will stay here in the leaf and I will fight against Uchiha with you the only for my safety but for my children. I do not want them knowing the bad of the Uchiha he smiles and kisses. him back and says Naruto I think it's about time you lay down you've been up quite a while I'll tend to the children. As the babies were sleeping he took his son and his daughter to the academy to enroll them at this point in time the children we're 7 and he knew it is time for them to be trained butt as they tested his daughter just like him she graduated top of her class and was put on on Kakashi sensei's team 7 as they tr and offered her a position in the ambu on her father's team which she accepted on her father's team. which she was a very elite and trained ninja and Rose very quickly within the ranks she was her father's right-hand helper and she smile. as Jiro remained on team 7 with a couple others then he was transferred to konohamaru's team and smiled but every day poor Jiro how to wave a fan girls that would not leave me alone and as for Jin she had her own problems with fanboys just like her father and just like her uncle Sasuke they couldn't she could not get away from them nor could her brother. as you talk to came to look at her and he told her we are going to have some visitors. coming soon one of them is your uncle kumara she's got so excited I can't wait to meet him and he also says Nico is coming with him the one that saved mommy's life and brought him brought here. No matter what went wrong Itachi held to his word and protected Naruto and all four children he treated Sasuke children as if they were his own. and the day came when kumara and Nikko arrived. Itachi Naruto and Jin said this is going to be and going to get quite interesting Jin look at her father I'm says father I guess all hell's about to break loose Itachi says I would have to agree with that . they're not the same time they both said this is going to get deep they both laughed as a lot of the ambu looks at Itachi and his daughter and they tell itichi your daughter is so much your daughter. He smiles and he says yes I know and that's what scares me. She looks at her father and says what is that supposed to mean he looks at her with one eyebrow raised and says you will see my dear girl you will see.

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