Wildly Beating Heart

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I'm not sure if you felt it,
But the other night,
When we stood in your
Dimly lit room,
Just the two of us,
And hugged like it was
Our last night together,
My heart was beating
unbelievably hard.
The way you held onto me,
And the way I clutched your
Sweatshirt, as if holding onto
Each other any looser
Would result in us drifting
Away, was as if we were
Having a silent conversation.
It was as if we were trying
To say all the things we couldn't,
All the words that were left unspoken,
Bit back and pushed to the back
Of our minds because we knew
Saying those virulent words
Aloud would make everything
We've been trying to hide
A reality.
Or maybe it was just me,
With my wildly beating heart,
And delusional mind,
And naive soul,
Thinking that you were
Holding back just as much
As I was.


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