
173 8 0

ive written countless poems,
all of them somehow coming
from the same idea of how
sad i am and how i wish to be

but its tiring, writing the
same thing over and over
again, and rereading
them is even worse. so maybe
i'll just wait until im tired
of writing these poems—
or until i get tired of
reading them— whichever
comes first.

but its seems like i cant stop
writing about how sad i am,
even if i swear that im okay,
i cant stop myself from letting
these grey thoughts take over me
and force their way out.

but im not sad.

im happy, in fact, im so happy
these thoughts decide to remind
me how strong they are, and how
capable they are of making me

and so now i sit alone
staring at my wall, but im not
alone because i have my thoughts
and they promised to keep me
company when im

hey hey

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