Be With You Forever

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its hot and i cant
breathe, my lungs
are desperate for oxygen
but a part of me is content with
the burning, i'd be okay
with having my lungs go
up in flames if it meant i could
be with you forever.

its hot and i cant breathe,
especially not when youre
looking at me, with your lips
slightly parted and your eyes darker
than usual, but i'd get used to this
new shade of yours if it meant i could
be with you forever.

its hot and i cant breathe,
im trying to gain control
of my own thoughts but i cant,
not when the only sound i can
hear is the chorus of our breathing
and the intensity of our wondering
hands, but i'd replay the harmony
of our breaths and i'd never forgot the
traveling our hands did if it meant i could
be with you forever.

ive never been this happy before

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