Blank Piece Of Paper

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blank pieces of paper
with words wrtitten on them by
bitten pens that are the
source of depressing words
that come from a sad teenage

a sad teenage girl who
is surrounded by smiles
that grace the faces of
people who see what they
want to see, and what they
want to see is a smiling and happy
teenage girl, not me.

me, a teenage girl who feels
alone amidst this crowd
of strangers who's names i've
forgotten because everything seems
to blur together once youre swept
into the chaos of sadness.

Sadness, the reason why im writing
this in the first place because sadness has me by the throat and it makes me write
depressing words with a bitten pen
on this blank piece of paper.

im happy but sadness is always chilling in the corner waiting to catch me off guard

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