It's Midnight

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its midnight
and i feel like im dying
because im sitting here
trying to pick up the pieces
of your broken heart while
you chase him.

im trying to keep it together,
to keep myself from falling apart
because you need me and i need
to make sure you dont fall apart, but
its getting harder and harder because
every couple of minutes you let out
a sob and i hear you mumble
how much you
love him.

im so desperate to hear you say
how much you love me instead,
but you dont love me, you love
him, and i love you so i'll pretend
that everything's okay and i'll
tell you everything you want to hear.

and i need something to quench this desire,
but this cup of dereliction you've given
me can only do so much, and so i
just wipe your tears and pretend that
im not about to break down myself.

its way past midnight,
and i still feel like im dying,
but i'll still pick up the pieces of
your broken heart even if you
continue to chase him, i'll try my
hardest to make sure you dont fall apart,
i'll sip the disappointment and wipe your
tears, and i'll love you, even
if you love him instead of me.

bc my best friend means the world to me

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