Tired of Being Tired

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its the same old thing.

wake up at 6:30,
take a shower,
get dressed,
and go to school.

gluing a smile to my face
to convince myself that im
happy to see the ocean of
people i havent seen in what?
less than twenty four hours?

saying hi to people who
pretend to like me,
saying what's up to people
who dont know me.

seeing my ex in one hallway,
ex-friends in another.
my bestfriend is crying—
wait who is she talking to?
im too tired to even care.

dealing with teachers who
shout and complain but dont
teach, and dealing with kids
who shout and complain but
dont learn.

doing homework that i dont
care about because for some
reason grades are more important
than my emotional health, so what if
im stressed, good grades
can help with that.

dealing with parents who
want to know everything
but insist on hiding things from me.

struggling with self confidence
and self love because loving myself
is key but i cant love myself the way i am,
i just need to change a few things first.

im tired.
of the way things
are, of the way people act.

im tired of being tired.

ive used that line before but why not add another thing to the list of repetitions in my life.

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