Juvia is a child again

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Levy POV
Lucy and I were in the library when we found a book that looked interesting and very old.
"Lu-chan what is this book?"-Me
"A spell book! Omg! Lets try one spell out! "-Lucy
"How about this one?? It says: #Lucy reads something nobody gets#"-Lucy
"I don't undersood Lu-chan... does there says anything we can get? "-me
"Hm.... Oh! Here! It says that this spell needs a mage with elemental magic! "-Lucy
"Magic of the four elements huh?"-me
"How about Natsu?"-me
"No he is on a mission with Wendy"-Lucy
"So Wendy not either... "-me
In that moment the doors of the library opened and...
"Hey guys what are you doing! "-Juvia
Me and Lucy looked at each other and noddet.
"Hey Juvia! "-me/Lucy
"Juvia could you do us a favor? "-me
"Sure what os it? "-Juvia
"We found that spell book and it needs a mage with elemental magic and since Natsu and Wendy are on a job could we please try it on you?? *puppy eyes* "Lucy
"Ehm... well Juvia trusts you so ok! "-Juvia
"Yeayy!! Thx Juuu!!! "-me
"# something nobody gets#"-Lucy
A bright light was in the library and after some seconts it became normal again. We looked at Juvia and! Omg! Where is she?!
"Juvia?! Juvia?! "-me/Lucy
We heard a giggling from behind some books and...
"Omg! Juvia became a child!!! "Me
"She is soo kawaiiiii!!! "-Lucy cubbed (hope I spelled it right) her cheeks.
Lucy took her in her arms and stood up we went to the guild
"Noo put Juvia down! Down! Down!! "-lil Juvia
"Ugh fine but you have to hold my hand and not let go ok? "-Lucy
"Ok aunt Lucy!! "-lil Juvia
"Aunt?! "-me
"Aunt Lucy? Juvia wants chocolate !!"-lil Juvia
"Not now Juvia we have to go to the guild"-Lucy
Lucy POV
Juvia started crying and the sky cryed with her.
"Juvia wants chocolate !!!"-lil Juvia
"In the guild Mira will give you chocolate and kakao if you stop crying "-Levy
She stoped crying and it stoped raining "ok!! Quick aunt Lucy !!"lil Juvia
Wow she sure changes emotions quick.
We got to the guild and everyone stared at us.
"Omg!! Who is this kawai girl!!! "-Mira
"Juvia... "-me
"Juvia?! "-guild
"Aunt Miwa! Aunt Lucy told Juvia if Juvia doesnt cwy she will have kakao and chocolate! Can you give hew! *puppy eyes* "-lil Juvia
"Awww!!! You're soo cuuteee!!! Of course come with aunt Mira"-Mira
Gray POV
I got back from a mission and when I got to the guild I saw a child at the bar drinking and eating. This child is so cute! I mean I am a guy but this child is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!
I got to the bar and greeted the kid.
"Hey kid!"-me
The lil girl looked at me with her big ocean blue eyes. Suddenly she lights up and jumbs at me.
"Gway-sama!!! "Lil Juvia
Gray-sama? Wait!
"Juvia?!?! "-me
She smiled at me and contitued hugging me.
"What the hell?! What happened to her? "-me
"Well... *tells story* "-Lucy
"Oh... uhm... c-can I take care o-of her until y-you find the spell to undo the other spell? I-I mean... she-she seems t-to like me... cause she's h-hugging me... "-me
"Sure Gray! "-Levy
"But bring her often to the guild! We wanna see the lil angel too! "-Mira
Suddenly the little hands slipped from my neck. I looked down and found lil Juvia sleeping... kawaiiiiii
"She fell asleep... guess I'll take her home "-me
"Oh! ehm Gray... Juvia lives in fairy hills... there are no boys allowed sooo... take her to your house if it's fine with you... "-Lucy
"Yeah it's fine .bye guys! "-me
"Bye! "-guild
And we went to my house.
I let her down on the couch and looked at her peacefull sleeping cute face.
She is cute.... As a child and as a 18 year old girl....
I saw that she started to wake up.
"Gway-sama... hi"-lil Juvia
"Hey kiddo.... Can I ask how old you are? "-me
"Mhm! Juvia is two! *shows three with her hand*"-lil Juvia
I couldnt help but laugh she is so sweet! Whoa two.... So little!
"Juvia you shoul take a bath"-me
"No! *hids behind couch* Juvia will not bath! *pounts* -lil juvia
"Common Juvia it's good to bath! "-me
She shook he head
"Mh mh "-lil Juvia
I tried to reach for her but she ran away. Oh so she wants to play huh?
"Juvia I'll catch ya! "-me
"*laughs* nuuu!! You can not catch Juvia! "-lil Juvia
After 15 minutes of "not catching her" I catched her and put her on my shoulder.
"So now is bath time"-me
"Fine... Gway-sama won... "-lil juvia
I striped her down and let the water fall on her for a little. Then I turned it off and began washing her blue hair and her little body. I turned the water on and saw how much she actually liked the water.
"You like it? "-me
She noddet"mhm Juvia loves the watew vewy much! "-lil Juvia
So she likes the water from now?
"You know.. You are a water mage.. "-me
"Juvia knows... that's why it always wains.. The wain is Juvias only fwiend.... "-lil Juvi
Oh yeah... she used to be the rain women...
I let her enjoy the water a little. Then turned it off and took her out the tub.
I dryed her hair and body with a towel and put her her clothes back on.
"Ok Juvia tomorrow is a big day! We are gonna buy you some clothes for ya! So go to sleep ok? You can sleep on the guest room. Is that fine? "-me
She noddet. I took off her clothes leaving her in underwear and a top tjat she wears under her lil dress.
I took her hand and went to the guest room. I layed her on the bed
"Good night lil princess... *kisses forhead* "-me
"Good night Gway-sama... "-lil Juvia
I went to my room... and slept...
I woke up to a Thunder. It was midnight...and it was raining.
Then the door opened an little Juvia came in my room.
"Gway-sama? Juvia had a nightmare... can she sleep with you? "She asked with her anglik cute little voice. So that's why it's raining...
"Of course come here"-me
She came and hugged me. I hugged her back and we fell asleep... that night I dreamed of how my kid would be with Juvia.... If lil Juvia is cute then our child should be adorable!!!


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