Tragic past no one knew!

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Gajeels POV

"Oh that, *sigh* everything began when I was 3 years old


I was running while crying because I couldn't find Mettalicana anywhere. I got to a village. It was raining heavily there and everyone was gloomy. I guessed it's because of the rain. I was walking and looking through the windows just to realise that everyone had a family that was taking care of each other and being happy. Well everyone except for me.
I decided to stay under the britge at the river. I was cold and lonely but I drifted to sleep.


I was hiding behind a tree listening to people talking bad about the rain.

"Gosh it's so gloomy!! "
"This rain ruined our day! "
"Yeah! "
"The rain makes everyone depressed! "
"I hate it! "

"But... Juvia... is... the rain... "-the girl said
"Omg you talk in third person?! Hahaha what a weirdo! "-a girl said
"Yeah omg look at her hair and eyes! They are blue! "-a boy
"You are ruining all the fun! With you around nobody is happy!"-another girl
"Juvia's sorry"-the girl said again
"You should be! *spitts on her and kicks her* " the boy
The girls and the boy kicked her pulled her hair and when she was totally bruised they pushed her and she fell to the river.
"I hope she drowns and never shows up again! " a girl said
"Yeah"- the others agreed.

The river took the girl away to the britge a little further than the sleeping pierced boy. The water helped the unconscious water mage out of the river and let her rest.

~next morning~
The boy woke up first. He turned around and saw a girl .
"Omg! *runs up to her* oi! Are you ok?! "-He started shaking her.
"Mmhh"-The girl eyes opened.
"I'm relieved your okay! "-the boy said
"Um... thank you"-the girl said shyly
"My name is Gajeel by the way! Gajeel Redfox! "-Gajeel said
"Juvia is Juvia Lockser"-Juvia
"You talk in third person? "-Gajeel
"A-ah! S-sorry!! "-Juvia covered her mouth
"Nah it's okay! It's cute"-Gajeel
"R-really?! "-Juvia
"Yeah. Why where you alone there Juvia? "-Gajeel
"If I tell you, you won't want to be friends with Juvia anymore... "-Juvia
"Why? "-Gajeel
"Juvia... is the rainwoman... Juvia is causing all this gloominess and the rain."-Juvia
"I think the rain isn't gloomy and I don't mind it"-Gajeel

Juvia was totally shocked. He doesn't mind the rain. And doesn't find it gloomy.
Juvia started crying and hugged the boy infront of her.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! "-Juvia said with tears
They stayed like that for a lil while until they let go of each other.
"So, you didn't answer my question"-Gajeel
"Well... *tells story* and you know the rest"-Juvia

Now it was Gajeel's turn to be shocked. They beated her so bad just because they don't like the rain?! They'll pay!!

"Don't worry! From now on I'm your big brother and will protect you in every taugh situasion "-Gajeel offered a hand with a grin
Juvia was the happiest person in the world. Never she excepted to have a big brother or even a friend!
"Okay! "-She wore the biggest and brightest smile. A smile that could light up every dark place.

#4 years later #

Gajeel now 7 years old woke up beside his 6 years old sister. They were at an orphanage for mages. Today would be the day they would go far away to search for a better future. Far away from any mobbing and hurting for Juvia and far away from the pain in Gajeel's heart seeing his sister come to their room bruised and crying.
Gajeel had to bear that every day. Juvia got beaten every day. And most of the times Gajeel wasn't there and couldn't do anything.

"Oi Juvia! Wake up! We have to go! "-Gajeel
"Gajeel-kun... I'm scared... "-Juvia
"Everything will be fine "-Gajeel

They got up, packed their things, got dressed and climbed down from the window.
They were walking and walking...

A child again*gruvia* #complete#Where stories live. Discover now