Big Again

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A/N listen to the song while reading it'll be so sad...

*timeskip 2 days*

In this two days Gray became normal because of depression and because he realized his true feelings for Juvia.

Gray's POV

How could my kid self be so stupid! I love her! Why... Why didn't I realize it sooner... I'm... I'm so stupid...
I always do things that hurt everyone... Maybe... Maybe Juvia is better being with Totomaru... No....she sure is better staying with him.. I'm just a bastard who hurts her... She deserves happiness... And I can't give her that... I... Will leave Magnolia for a while... A year or so... It's for the best...

Juvia's POV

Juvia wants to play with Gray... Ice freak isn't that bad... He always is mean to Juvia but..he is the only one, besides Gajeel-kun,talking to her so open...

Suddenly my body became taller my boobs grew and my hair got longer.

I ran to the mirror.

"Juvia.. Is normal"-me

It's like a game of true love,
Wanna un-do the spell?
Find love that's gonna give you what you need
The one knows what's meant

I remembered what we read on the book. So.... I'm in love with Gray? I... Never really realized it...


*gasp* it's Totomaru-kun!

"I have something important to say"-Totomaru

Totomaru came in and immediately became a nosebleed.

"kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Don't look! *slap*"

He gave me his jacket.

"now you're normal it'll be easier anyways... You've turned more beautiful... Juvia... "-Totomaru

Oh no...

" I love you Juvia stay with me. I'm better than that ice pyro! Please!! "
" Totomaru-kun... J-Juvia's sorry..."
"J-Juvia... I... Understand... You're... Free to go... "-Totomaru

his bages covered his eyes. I ran and hugged him.

" thank you!!! "-me

He stayed still.

*timeskip * I was running through Fiore searching for the guild.

Found it! I bursted the doors open ehile breathing heavy.

" Juvia?!?!?! You're normal?! "-Mira
" no time! Where is Gray?!?! "-me
".... He... Is leaving... His train comes in 10 minutes..." - Mira
"What?!? "-me

I ran torwards the station as fast as I can. 2 minutes until the train comes.

I arrived.

" GRAYYYYY!!!!!! "-me

The train was there he was about to go in!!!!

" GRAYY!!!!!!!!! "

I ran to him.

Gray's POV


Must be my imagination...

"GRAYY!!!!!!! "

I turned around only to see Juvia running to me. She hugged me and we fell. At that moment the train went away and we were alone.

" Wh-what are you doing here?! Aren't you with Totomaru?! "-me

Juvia was still ontop of me crying on my chest. I sat up and hugged her.

" why... Why did you come? "me
" you would be happy with him!!! Baka!!!! "-me
" J-Juvia loves you, Gray-sama"-Juvia

Shocked and overwhelmed by happiness. That's how I felt.

I held her face with my hands and kissed her. She kissed me back.


A/N that's it!!!! Here ends my story!!!! I hope you enjoyed reading!!!!

A child again*gruvia* #complete#Where stories live. Discover now