Ski should fun!... Right??

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Lyon's POV

We arrived only to see that...

That a man was waiting for us.

"who are you?! "-me protective
" calm down sir, I'm your ski teacher"
"what's your name? "-Juvia asked confused.

" I know him from somewhere" we were all thinking the same

"oh sorry! How rude! "-the guy said
" my name... Is Totomaru nice to meet ya! "-Totomaru

" Totomaru-kun!! *gasp*"-Juvia"hmmm? *gasp*Juvia-chan?! Why

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" Totomaru-kun!! *gasp*"-Juvia
"hmmm? *gasp*Juvia-chan?! Why... Are you a KAWAIIII child??"-Toto

-chan?! I don't like this guy

Juvia explained what happened.

" calm down I don't think he's bad, I mean phantom lord dispandet right? "-Meredy
" I guess"-me

Meredy smiled at me and I smiled back.

"oi lovebirds time to start!"-Totomaru
"l-lovebirds?? *red*" Meredy/me

We got our skiers and went straight to the track.

"ok so first we're gonna practice the moves here and then we're going to slide down the mountain"-Totomaru


Seems like Gray doesn't like him either

We practiced some moves and Totomaru was always staring at lil Juvia!!

"now we're going to slide!! Who is ready?? "-Totomaru
" yeayy"-Juvia

Totimaru smirked and took her hand.

Okay that's it!! If Gajeel finds out I'm dead!

"oi don't touch her! I'm sure you don't wanna mess with her brother "-me
" oh sorry *let's go of her hand* and you mean that irondragonslayer? Gajeel Redfox? "-Totomaru
" hm"-me
"hahahaha*he started laughing* that's so funny! Buahahaha *wipes tear* scared of Gajeel haha omg"-Totomaru

We slid many times and it was actually really fun! Gray and Juvia even had to slid down together!! Hand in hand! So cutee. Yeah I know all of you might think I the one and only Lyon Vastia shipping my first lover with my frenemy but I ain't that bad! Gruvia is my OTP plus I'm over Juvia already.

Okay back with what's going on.
We finished the skiing and went to the hotel 'cause we where really tired.

"goodnight!! "-Me and Meredy said
" oyasumanasi!! "-Juvia
" night "-Gray

We left the kids room.
(A/N yes! I made lil Gray and Juvia sleep together 😈)

After that we went to our room
(A/N Lyon and Meredy too!!! Meh I'm fangirling in my own story XD)

and drifted to sleep.

------- POV

I slowly and quietly opened the hotel room's door. I tiptoed my way to the kid's bedroom.
I saw the two sleeping together.

"awww how cuteeee NOT. Say bye bye to your lover Juvia-chan! Muahahahahahahaha *cough cough* ehhh nobody heard that hehehe *swaetdrop*"------
(A/N nobody except all my readers *wink* XD)

I quietly made my way to the bed and took Juvia in to my arms.

"we'll be going then icy"- --------

I jumbed out of the window and took the lil princess to my hideout! Like a real criminal! Every villian has his hideout! My hideout is the very best! My house!!! Yeayyy....

I handcuffed her hands and feet so she won't escape and let her sleep in the guestroom. What? I'm not heartless okay?! Everyone knows the pain of waking up after sleeping on the floor *shivers*

ANYWAY goodnight lil raindrop tomorrow starts a new lifeee~

~Back to the hotel~

Meredy's POV

Gray woke up after seeing a nightmare me and Lyon ran to the kids room only to see...

"where is Juvia?!?!?! "-I panicked
" Gray?? "-Lyon
" I don't know "-He tried to seem cool but I could see he was worried

"Ski should be fun right?" - me

Aaand that's it for now!!! Hope you enjoyed reading!!! See ya my raindrops 💞💞💞

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