first day of school and staying with Gajeel?

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School! "-Mira
"WHAT?!?! "-lil Juvia/gray
"Juvia doesn't wanna go to school! "-Juvia
"First time to agree with the idiot"-Gray
"Who is Gray calling an idiot?! "-Juvia
"You obviously! Weirdo! "-Gray
"What?! "-juvia
"Weirdo! I mean who is talking in third person! Huh pathetic! "-Gray


"Oh no... Juvias weakness"-Gajeel
"W-what? "-Lucy

Juvia run out of the guild crying.

"Gray! Why did you tell her that? "-Lucy
"I-I didn't knew! I swear! "-lil Gray
"Gray you'll wait in the classroom 'til Juvia comes !"-Mira
"Yes... "-lil Gray

Gray went to the extra room and started drawing on a note book he found.

I didn't knew it was Juvias weakness... I-I didn't want to go that far... -Gray

"Gray. You'll apologize when Juvia gets here did I make myself clear?! "-Erza
"Y-yes ma'am! "-Gray

~To Juvia~

Juvia was running to the river.

Juvia knows she's weird talking in third person but... what can Juvia do about it..?

"Juvia!! "-Gajeel
"G-gajeel-kun? "-Juvia
"Juvia! Thank god! Are you okay? "-Gajeel
"*cries more* G-gajeel-kun! *runs to his arms* "-Juvia
"*lifts her up* it's okay *pats head* I'm sure the stripper didn't mean it"-Gajeel
"Y-you think so? *looks with puppy eyes* "-Juvia
"I know so! *smirk/grin* "-Gajeel
"*wipes tears* okay! Yosh! Lets go to school! "-Juvia
"*about to put jer down* "-Gajeel
"M-mate! Gajeel-kun! Juvia wanys a piggy ride! "-Juvia
"Ugh... fine! "-Gajeel
"Yeayy! Run horsie Gajeel!! "-Juvia
"Quicker quicker! "-Juvia
"Ya sure? "-Gajeel
"Of course!! "-Juvia
"Okay then! Here we gooo! "-Gajeel started to run to the guild
"Yeayy hahaha! "-Juvia

They opened the door to the guild still laughing.

"Juvia! Gajeel! Thank god! "-Mira
"Come on Juvia your lesson starts in five minutes and..."
Mira moves to the left revealing Gray with his little head looking down
"I'm sure Gray wants to tell you something"-Mira

"I'm... sorry Juvia I didn't want to make you cry"-Gray
"It's okay! *smile* "-Juvia
"Honto(=really)?! *kawai type* "-Gray
"Soo... friends? *offers hand* "-Gray
"Friends *takes hand* "-Juvia

"Awwwww!!! "-Guilde

"Oh and Juvia? "-Gray
"What? "-Juvia
"How didn't it rain? Rainwoman hahaha! "-Gray
"Youuu!!! Ice-breath! "-Juvia

The guild was like: -_-

"Here they go again... "-Levy
"I knew it"-Gajeel
"Well! Juvia Gray follow me! Class starts"-Mira

~At the "classroom"~

"Okay! Sooo... do you know the ABC? "-Mira
"Uhm... not really/no"-Juvia/Gray
"Okay! Let's learn it! "-Mira

Mira writes the ABC on the greenboard.

"Here you have it! There is a little "song" for you to remember it better:
🎶 a b c d e f g, h i j k, l m n o p, q r s t u v w, x y z now you know the ABC!🎶"-Mira

(A/N:It's something like that right? XD)

A child again*gruvia* #complete#Where stories live. Discover now