Calm down my angel

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Gray POV
I returned from my job after a week. I know I'm an ass for letting lil Juvia wait for so long but this freaking job was difficult!!!
I walked to the guild only to see.....

Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Lil Juvia sleeping on a table mubbling something.
"What... ..happened .....?"-me
"Oh you're back Gray welcome back"-Mira
"Yeah.... What happened? "-me
"You see...*tells about the fire and that they "live"in the guild for a week now*"-Mira
"WHAT?!?!?! "- my anger was very big! How could that idiot just burn an apartment WITH A CHILD INSIDE!!!
"Juvia cried everyday.... I'm happy to see her smiling... "-Mira
"That bastard! I'm going to kill him! "-Me
"Shhh! You'll wake Juvia and then she'll cry ag-"-Mira was interrupted by a child's cry

I looked to my side only to see my girl crying.
I started to panic but hide it. I went to Juvia to calm her down.

"Hey, Juvia it's me... "-me

"Gray-sama? "She looked at me with tears in her eyes .
"Yeah... now, stop crying princess"-me
"G-ray-sama! F-fire a-and mo-re f-firee! "-she ran into my arms.
"She's crying again huh? "-Lucy
"Oh good morning Lucy"-me
"Ah Gray welcome back"-Lucy
"Thanks "-me
"Gray you should take her home she is very exhausted "-Mira
"But I have to beat the hell outta flame-brain! "-me
"You don't have to... Gajeel did it yesterday as he returned from the mission* sweatdrop*

I stoop up and went home. I carried Juvia on my back and gave her a piggy ride.
"We're here princess"-me
"Okay... "-Juvia
We went inside and did our usual routine. A shower, brushing our teeth, wear some light clothes for sleep.
After that we went to my bed. I hugged her and she started crying again...
"Juvia was so scared Gray-samaaaaa"lil Juvia
"Shhh *pats head* it's all over now... "-me
"*calms slowly down* y-yeah... J-juvia missed youu"-Lil Juvia
"Yeah, Gray missed you too"-me
"*sniff* "-lil Juvia
"Calm down my angel "-me
And we slept.

Please read:
Guys sorry I haven't been updating and sorry it's a short chapter
In the next chapter there will be a SURPRISEEEEE
that I haven't wrote in the summary!

Bye bye love youuuu

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