Musik and big plans?

901 37 7

Mira POV

I have big plans for the little cuties!!
But well, school first.

-Juvia and Gray arrived-

"so you two. We'll be starting with Musik! We'll sing a song you want together. And you'll have to both want and like the song 'cause we'll dova lil scetch at the end of the year!"-Me
"really?! *lits up*"-Juvia
"yes *smiles* so what do you think?"me
"Great!! /whatever"-Juvia/Gray

You all sure think that these were the plans right? Nope!! This was my idea from the start! Now, to the lesson.

"lets sing brother John!! "-Juvia
" Yeah!! "-Gray

Wow I never saw Gray excited

" Okay then!"- me

Brother John, brother John
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Morning bills are ringing,
Morning bills are ringning
Ding ding dong
Ding ding dong

We sang again and again and both of their faces were so bright! Their smile could light up a whole village. I couldn't help but smile with them.
We sang it like 6 times and I think it's finally time to account the big news.

"the lesson ends here today guys! (I wish I had only musik for 2 hours in school too 😭) I have something to tell you. You two surely know Meredy *Juvia lights up* and Lyon *Gray looks annoyed* right? "-me
" of course!! /yeah... "-Juvia /Gray
" soo you're going somewhere with them for two weeks!! "-me

At that moment Lyon and Meredy opened the door.

" we're going ski!! "-Mered/Lyon smiled bright

But their smile went dumpfouded when they saw Gray and Juvia.

" TINY!!!! "-Meredy/Lyon
" oh yeah I forgot to tell you *sweatdrop*"-me
"you're so cute Juvia-chaan"-Lyon cupped her cheeks
"yeah she is! Gray too! "-Meredy

Then Meredy remembered something.

" Mira-san, you told us to bring them closer right? HOW ARE WE GONNA MATCHMAKE THEM WHEN THEY'RE KIDS?!?! "-Meredy
" ehehehe *innocend sweatdrop*"-me

Minna gomenasai the chap was so short but I want the trip to be an extra chap. Hope you enjoyed! Ta iski minna 😘😘

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