lil Juvia wants Toto? 0_0

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Juvia's POV

Juvia woke up in an unknown room.

"where is Juvia? "-Juvia
" oh sooka(I see) you're awake "-Toto

I looked at my left to see Totomaru-kun sitting next to my bed.

" Totomaru-kun? Why is Totomaru-kun here? No mate (wait) why is Juvia here?! "-Juvia
" *grin*don't worry Juvia-chan! We were good friends remember? More than friends *mutters*"-Totomaru

That's right! Juvia and Totomaru-kun were friends!!

"hai! "-me
"*grin and cheerful * yeayyy Juvia-chan is staying with meeee" - Totomaru
"*laughs*Totomaru-kun is funny!! Juvia likes being with him!!! "-me
" *patts head and has kawai face*me too Juviiii"-Totomaru

~elsewhere ~

Lyon's POV

"what do we do now?! "-me
" I'll call Gajeel! "-Meredy

I was about to stop her but then... We have to... He has the right to know...

" yeah... "-me


Gajeel-san??? This is Meredy something terrible happened!
What?! What js it?!?! Did something happen to rain?!
Sorry but yes... Totomaru has taken her...
Totomaru?!?!?! You mean the fire mage from Phantom?!?!
Where is he?!?!?!
W-we don't know...
Stay where you are I'm coming!!!!!

-end of call-

"and? "-me
" he's furious, and coming"-Meredy

Gajeels POV

I was at the station with Levy and Lili. I know my sickness but this is for rain!
We arrived...

"*graps Lyons collar* YOU BASTARD I TOLD YOU TO TAKE CARE OF HER! "-me
" Gajeel calm down!! "-Levy pulled me back
" tch"-me

Something broke the window! It was a paper!! It says:

Hello dear people! XP
How are you minna >\\\<?
Ah wait I have something important to say! If you're wondering about Juvia-chan she is here with me! And she is enjoying her timee~

"This bastard!! What is he doing to her?! "-me
" keep reading!!! "-Levy/Meredy/Lyon

Ask her to be sure here see? :

Hey Gajeel-kun! This is Juvia! And Juvia is happy!


See?? Hahaha XP I won you loose!
Byt if you want to see yourself how happy she is my hideout is in mane street 13.(IT'S NOT JUST MY HOUSE!)

Totomaru XOXO

" what a bastard"-Lyon
"first time to agree with iceprincess 2"-me
"what are we waiting for! Let's go to Juvia! "-all

#timeskip cause I'm to lazy#

We arrived and were standing in front of Juvia.

" rain!!! "-me
" Gajeel-kun!!! *hug*"-Juvia
"he didn't do anything bad to you did he?! "-me
" whaaat?! Noooo!!! Totomaru-kun is very kind! "-Juvia
" what -_-"-me
"Juvia wants Toto!!! "-Juvia

Totomaru came out of a corner.

" did you see that? *serious*lil Juvia-chan wants me more. *turns to Juvia and is kawai* isn't that right Juvia-chan? "-Totomaru
" haaai~"-Juvia
" spell?? Nooo this isn't a spell"-Totomaru

What now?! Juvia wants to stay with that ashole! We left Gray home maybe he could help! Urgh!!

"I suppose you go now"-Totomaru
"w-we will come again!!! "-me
" *kawai*okayy~ until then!! *waves like a psycho*bye byeeee~"-Totomaru

We really left... What could we possibly do? We will come back Juvia... Just wait...

Anf I'll come back to! But in the next chap!!! Hope you guys enjoyed reading! See ya raindrops! 😘

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