Nalu taking care of her

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Gray POV
I woke up first. I went outside to open the post. There was a white letter. I took it and went inside to read it. It said:
Dear mr. Fullbuster as every month the time came to pay for your apartment/house.
We hope you are ready. You have one week left. It would be good if you have the money until then. It's 1.000 jewels.
Mr. Agreese(A/Ndon't look at the name I created it)
Oh no, time sure flies fast... I have to take a job... but what about Juvia? I can't leave her alone... Maybe Gajeel would take care of her. No, he is on a week long mission with Levy. Mira and Lisanna have no time... Erza? No better not. She'll end up like her.
"Gray-sama!!! Juvia wants strawberry cake!! "-lil Juvia
/other scene/
"Gray-sama! Stop fighting with Natsu-san! Juvia will kick your ass! "-lil Juvia
That would be hell! The only ones left are....
Oh man, this will be interesting...
Natsu and Lucy.
**timeskip 2 hours**
Gray and Juvia are going to Lucys apartment.
"Where are we going Gray-sama? "-lil Juvia
"To aunt Lucy and uncle Natsu"-Gray
"Yeayy! "-lil Juvia
"But you have to be a good girl okay? "-Gray
"Promise! "-lil Juvia
They are now outside the door.
*knock knock*
"Coming! "-Lucy
Lucy opened the door.
"Gray? What's up? "-Lucy
Lucy steped back letting Gray and lil Juvia in. Juvia went to Natsu and he played with her hide and seek. Happy too. Lucy went to prepare tee for Gray. As she came back she nearly tripped over a running little girl.
"Whoa watch out Juv! "-Lucy
"Komenasai! "-lil Juvia
"No worries"-Lucy
Juvia contitued playing with Natsu and Lucy sat across Gray on the other couch.
"So? What brings you here? "-Lucy
"I have to pay my rent soon and I want to go for a job. And since no one has time-"Lucy interrupted Gray
"You want me to take care of her? "-lucy
"Well, yeah... "-Gray
"I would love to Gray! "-Lucy
"Great! Where is she by the way? "-Gray
Lucy and Gray turned around to see Juvia on Natsus belly, Happy on Juvias arm and Natsu on the floor all sleeping peacfully.
"I have to go now... Take good care of her yeah? "-Gray
"Of course! *soldier pose with hand on forehead*"-Lucy
Gray leaves and Lucy is left alone watching over the sleeping members.
"So cute idiots... "-lucy
Natsu woke up. He saw Juvia and Happy still sleeping on him. He took Juvia off him and carried her bridal style to the couch.
"She is so cute! "-Natsu
"I know right!! "-Lucy
"Where is Gray? "-Natsu
"*explains* "-Lucy
Natsu knees in front of Lucy.
"Please let me take care of her with you Luce! Pleaseeeeee"-Natsu
"E-ehm.... "-Lucy
Juvia who had woken up heard it and went with Happy who woke up too and kneeled in front of Lucy like Natsu.
"Pleeeaaaseee aunt Lucyyy *puppy eyes* "-lil Juvia
"Awww how can I say nooo"-Lucy hugged her
"Yeayyy! "-Natsu/Happy/Juvia
"Can we go to the park? "-lil Juvia
"Sure. Natsu you commimg? Happy?"-Lucy
"Sorry I have a mission with Wendy and Carla"-Happy flew away
"Well Natsu? "-Lucy
"Of course! I'm all fired up! "-Natsu with his fist in the air
They went to the park and Juvia was sitting on Natsus shoulders playing with the leaves of the trees while he was holding her feed tight.
When they were at the park Natsu let Juvia down and he and Lucy sat on a bench near the fountain where Juvia was playing with the water.
"Uhm uncle Natsu? "-lil Juvia
"What's up kiddo? "-Natsu
"Can you do something for Juvia?? "-lil Juvia
"What's up? "-Natsu
"Will you do anything Juvia tells you now?"-lil Juvia
"Sure. I promise"-Natsu
"Can you and aunt Lucy kiss? "-lil Juvia
"Not again! Why are all the kids so scary! "-Lucy
"Like I said last time. It's not the end of the world"-Natsu
"W-what are you saying?! "-Lucy backed away
"Too late! "-Happy/Juvia
Happy pushed Natsu to Lucy while Juvia pushed Lucy to Natsu and....
"Yeayyy! Nalu kiss! "-Lil Juvia
"Nalu kiss? "-Happy
"Aunt Mira told Juvia that"-lil Juvia
"O-oh my g-god! "-Lucy
"I-it wasn't t-that b-bad right L-Luce? "-Natsu
"I-I-... we are going back now! "-Lucy took lil Juvias hand and Natsus scarf and pulled them to her apartment.
At the apartment
"Such an ¿interesting? day... "-Lucy
"I was all fired up!!! "-Natsu was surrounded by his flames and accidentally burned the curtains. Slowly more things started to burn.
"We have to het outta here! "-Happy
Happy took lil Juvia and flew away from the window and Natsu took Lucy bridal style and run out through the door.
"We're alive! "-Natsu
"My house!*anime tears* "-Lucy
"Waaaa! *cries* "-lil Juvia
"Natsu! Look what you've done! Shush Juvia, it's okay now... "-Lucy
They sat on the floor. Juvia was still crying while nalu tried to calm her down.
"Shush little angel sleep now, everything's gonna be okay tomorrow 🎶
Shush little darling sleep tight this day obviously wasn't fine🎶
Sleep now cutie with sweet dreams I'm sure you're what Gray now things🎶"

(A/N:I wrote that song, that's why it's so wtf😂but it has rhymes!😂😅)

With that song they all fell asleep.
The next morning Mira, Lisanna, Elfmann and Laxus found them and brought them and brought them to the guild.

I hope you enjoyed reading! And please don't hate me for the bad song! ❤

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