Ski went¿different?(Part1)

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My drawing of Juvia! I know it's not that good but I did my best!! Comment what you think!

Gajeels POV

I was packing Juvia's things with Levy and Juvia.

Why does she have to go? Espesially with thr two strippers!! Urgh!

"oi Rain you sure you wanna go? "-me
" of course! Mer-chan and Lyon-sama will be there!! They will wagch over Juvia!! "-Juvia
" yeah you don't have to worry! Meredy will watch over them and wont let them fight! +that Lyon will be there for lil Juvia-chan! *pinches Juvia's cheeks*"-Levy

That's what I'm scared of... Lyon

"If the stripper 2.0 trjes to touch you you'll imediatly call me! Got it?! "-Gajeel
" hai!! "-Juvia smiled

We finished Juvia's packing and went to the guest room Gray was sleeping at.

I told Levy to prepare some snacks for the trip 'cause it' s gonna be long.

I started packing ice freaks stuff with him.

" oi ice head. If the other ice freak tries something with rain your gonna stop him. *glare, scary* got that? "-me
" yes "-Gray said annoyed

Urgh this cold bastard is driving me crazyy (A/N *smirk* crazy huh? *wink* Gajeel= hentai!!! A/N I'M NOT!)


Lyons POV

They arrived at the mountains.

" okay you two. You'll never leave our sight understood? "-Meredy

" hai!! /whatever"-Juvia /Gray

"we'll take a gondola!! "-Meredy

As Juvia and Gray heard that they shrieked.

" awwww are you scared? Don't worry! "-me
" I-I'm not! "-Gray
" hai hai"-I smiled

Inside the gondola Juvia was hugging Meredy while Gray was hiding under the bench.

We arrived only to see that.....

Aaaaand stop!!! I'll let you wait to see what happens!! Be patient 😜😈👌sorry this was so short!! See ya suckers! Joookeeee see you raindrops 💙💙

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