Almost lost her...

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**timeskip 2days (A/N don't forget! It's Juvias birthday today)
Gray POV
As I opened my eyes I was greeted by a beautiful sight. Big blue eyes ,that you could look at the whole day, were staring at me.
"Gway-samaa! Youw awakeee!!! "-lil juvia
"He yeah.. Good morning! Soo... whos birthday is it??! "-me
"Juvias Juvias!! "-lil Juvia
"Yeah!!! *kisses cheek* happy birthday princess! "-me
And with that I told her to close her eyes. She did what she was told to. I took the butterfly clip and put it on her hair.
"Okay open them"-me
She opens her eyes and wents to the bathroom to take a look. I followed her.
"Waaaa Gway-samaaa!! Juvia loves itttt!!! "Lil juvia
We decited to go for a walk in the park after the breakfast.
As we finished we stardet heading out.
*in the park*
"A-ano.. Gway-sama? "-lil juvia
"Whats up Juv?"-me
"Can we go see gajeel-kun? "Lil Juvia
"Of course. Come on maybe he is at the guild"-me
We went to the guild.
"Hi guys!"I yelled as I opened the guild doors
"Gray Juvia! Hiiii!! "Mira
"Miwa-san? Do you know whewe(where) gajeel-kun is? "Lil Juvia
She really loves her brother... well Gajeel does care for her very much too... Maybe some times he is overprotecting
#flashback before juvia became a child#
I was talking to Juvia when suddenly Gajeel came.
"What are you too doing! *takes Juvia away from Gray* "-gajeel
"We were just talking Gajeel-kun! "Juvia
"Yeah so snap out of it iron head! "-me
"No! Juvia you are not supposed to get to close with any guy except me! "Gajeel
"Gajeel you're overprotecting😑"-Gray/Juvia
#flashback end#
See what I mean...
"He is at the bar Juvia! And happy birthday! *she handelt her a bracelet* "-Mira
"Waa Miwa-san! Thank youu it's beautiful! "Lil Juvia
"No problem"-Mira
In that moment Gajeel noticed us and walked over to us.
"Yoo rain!!!! *hugs Juvia* happy birthday! You are now 19!*cries anime tiers* you grow up so fast!!!! "-gajeel
I was like😑
"Waaaat?! Nuuu Juvia is twee(three)now!! "Lil Juvia
Oh yeah.. We still have that problem...
"Whatever you say rain.. Well I have to go see you guys around! Bye JUVII!! "Gajeel
Gajeel can be so childish around Juvia...
After a while me and Juv decidet to go to the festival in the park.
"Juvia you have to hold into my hand no matter what ok?"-me
"Ok~"lil Juvia
We went from ride to ride until Juvia stoped in her tracks. I started to panik! I thought something bad is gonna happen so I prepared myself for the badest news from lil Juvia. She opened her mouth to speak. Here it comes!!
"Gway-sama!!! A man sells baloons!!!!! "Lil Juvia
Seriously?!?!?! That's it!!!!!!! Ugh! Calm down Gray it's a child... uhf...
"Come on let's get you one"me
Gray took Juvia to the balloons Gray let go of lil Juvias hand to grap his pocket.
Juvia saw a butterfly fly away.
"Wait buttewfly!!! Juvia wants to come with you! "She giggled and followed the blue butterfly. That's when a brown haired man stood next to her.
"Hey there little one!my name is Kirati(A/N created this name from kirito😂)"he said
"Get away fwom Juvia! "Lil Juvia
He held jer wrist.
"A-a-a! Be a good girl and come with me! "Kirati
"Nooo!!! "Lil Juvia punched him but she was too small for doing any damage to him.
"you little brad! You shouldn't have done that! "-Kirati said
"Let gooo!! Gway-sama!!! Help!! "Lil Juvia
But Gray didn't notice.
Gray POV
"Here you go Juvia! "I said as I handet the ballon to...
"Juvia? Juvia!!! "Me
I saw the butterfly clip laying on the ground...Juvia... I picked it up.
I started to panic! Where is she!! I asked people if they saw her. No luck... nobody saw her... I started crying. Why do I always loose the people I love! First my parents then Ul and Ultear! But that's not enough! I lost my father two times! That's not fair!! I can't loose Juvia too!! She is the person I need the most in my life! I can't live without her! A life without Juvia is hopeless! I need her!! I need you Juvia! Don't leave me!
All of the sudden it started raining.
Juvia!!! I shouldn't stand here and cry when she is in danger!
I wipped my tears and was about to leave searching when..
"Let gooo!! Gway-sama!!! Help!! "
It was Juvia!!! I started running to where the voice came from. I ran as fast as I could.
I'm not going to loose Juvia too! I will do anything to protect her!
I got to where the voice came from and saw a man with brown hair pulling my girl with him. Anger. That was all I felt right now. My anger was so big! How dare he even touch her!!!!
"Hey you! What exactly do you think you're doing! Huh! "Me
"None of your business! "The simply answered.
"Like hell it's my business! Nobody even touches my girl! So get your dirty hands off her! Ice make: lance! Ice make :floor! "Me
The ice lances were for this guy while the floor was for lil Juvia to slide from him to me.
The ice lances hit him and he fell unconscious. Pathetic what a weekling. The I saw Juvia sliding the ice floor. She was very scared I could tell because when I was about to catch her she ran to the nearest tree and wouldn't come to me. I sighed... well I guess I will do it the other way. I took a candy out of my pocket.
"Juvia! Looke what I have! "Me
I saw a little head come out of the tree.
"Juvia I have candy so you better come out. You like sweet right? "Time
"She... likes sweets... "lil Juvia
She slowly came out from behind the tree and peacefully ate her candy.
"How about we go now? Hm? What do you think princess? "I said as I ruffled her blue curly hair.
"Hm! "She noddet happily
Erza, Mira and Gajeel are gonna kill me if they find out what happened...
*when they where at home*
"Gway-sama? Juvia... Juvia... "lil Juvia
I looked at her listen carefully at what she has to say.
"JUVIA WAS SO SCARED!! WAAAA!!! "She started crying hystericall and the sky of course cryed with her.
"N-no!!! Don't cry!!!ehm.... "Me
I can't do anything to calm her down!! Wait!
I ran to our room and took her doll of hoursie(horsie is how lil Juvia named her Gray/Horse doll) and put the butterfly clip on its hair.
"Juvia! Look! Horsie is wearing your clip! "Me
"You won't let that happen right? "Me
She started giggling
"Of couwse not!"
She ran torwarts me trying to catch the doll.
I took the hands of the doll and shook it like it was talking. I changed by voice and horsie 'talked'
"But I'm not gonna let you! It's mine now buahahaha! "Me'horsie'
"Nuuu!!! "Lil Juvia
"Ok.. Now I'm exhausted... "me
"Juvia too... "lil Juvia
"Let's go to sleep sweety... "me
"Ok~" lil Juvia
We went to sleep.As I hugged her I heard her say to me:
"Gway-sama... Juvia was weally scawed (really scared) but... she is thankful that Gway-sama came... She was happy to see him... Juvia is always happy to see Gway-sama!! Juvia doesn't wants to leave Gway-sama evew again! "-lil Juvia
I was shocked by her words... I was happy too of course.
"Then don't... don't leave me Juvia. "I thought out loud.
"Mhm "she noddet.
"Goodnight princess"
"Goodnight Gway-sama "
And we fell asleep.
Let us look in Grays dreem!
"Gray-sama... "
He heard a soft and faint whisper
"Juvia! Juvia where are you! "
Then a screen apeard revealing a Gray with dark marks over his body standing with an ice sword behind a injuried Juvia laying on the ground.
N-no... did I do this to her?!
Then teh Gray with the dark marks pierced his sword into Juvias back.
"Nooo!!!!!!!!! "
Gray had tiers in his eyes.
The screen disappeared and there stood sylver his father.
With tears in his eyes Gray looked at his father with disbelieve
"D-dad... I-I thought your dead"Gray
"Indeet I am dead... I came to warn you! You have to learn how to control your demon slayer magic before it's too late! If you don't then it will take over yourself and ypu saw what can happen. "Sylver said
Gray couldn't believe what his father was saying. He killing his friends even Juvia!!
He couldn't let that happen!!!
"Bye now son... but before I go... let me tell you... I really like this Juvia girl. I hope you will be happy with her. Please thank her that she finally let me die! *has tears in his eyes too* you grew so much Gray... I'm very proud of you... I love you son... "Sylver said and disapeard.

Gray shot up from the bed breathing heavily and sweating.
He looked at his left only to find the little angel sleeping peacefully next to him.
I won't let that dteam come true! I will learn to control my powers! As long as I know that she will be safe.. I will do anything.
For now I will just have to wait til she goes back to normal. Who nows maybe she wil be with me while I train...
And I drifyed to sleep.

Omg! 1637 words!!!! That is a new record!!! Well I hope you enjoyes reading! And sorry again if I didn't update soon... pls comment and vote if you like the story! Pls!!!!

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