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Gray and Juvia woke up ate breakfast and got ready to go to the guild .
Today was the day that they would try all together to find something for lil Juvia to become back to normal.

"Come on princess, let's go"-Gray
"Hai! "-lil Juvia
"Soo? Are you excited to turn back? "-Gray
"...... w-will we see Gajeel-kun? "-lil Juvia
"Uh, yeah sure"-Gray

Why did she change the supject? Did I do something? -Gray

Juvia doesn't wants to turn back... Juvia spents so much time with Gray-sama now... He is even taking care of Juvia in his house... When Juvia turns back... everything will change back to normal, when we don't even talk much... -Juvia

They opened the doors to the guild.
"Juvia, Gray! "-guild
"Hey /Ochayoooo! "-Gray/Juvia
"Juvia! How have ya been?? *scary* did Gray try something? "-Gajeel
"Nope! "-Juvia
"Good for ya ice-princess if you did *very scary* I would kill you I swear *-Gajeel
"*sweatdrop* H-hai! "-Gray
"A-anyway... We're searching for Levy to un-do the spell"-Gray
"Here I am! "-Levy popped out of nowhere

They were all sitting in a circle in the middle of the guild looking at the spell book.

"Hmm.... "-Erza
"Oh I know something! "-Natsu
"What?! "-Gray
"Levy go to the next page"-Natsu
Levy did as she was told.
On the next page was a picture of a waterfall and a text:

It's like a game of true love,
wanna un-do the spell?
Find love that's gonna give you what you need
The one knows what's meant

"And... know? "-Levy
"I don't know of what to be scared of the text or that Natsu was right"-Lucy

"Hey!! "-Natsu
"Omg I think I know! Gray do what you must! "-Mira

They're gonna kiss! -Mira, Lucy, Levy
No-Gajeel, Natsu, Laxus
Maybe? -Erza, Jellal, Cana
Gray is too dence-everyone agreed with that

And it was true because he just re-read the spell and...... .

"GRAY TOO?!?!?! "- everyone
"Why are you staring at me like that huh? "-lil Gray
He suddenly snapped at Gajeel .
"Why the hell do you have that creepy piercings? And your hair is to long! Are you a girl or something? "-lil Gray

"Hey! "
Everybody turned to see a furious lil Juvia.

"That's my girl *wipes tear* "-Gajeel

"Who the hell are you to talk rainwoman! "-lil Gray
"What did you call Juvia?! "-lil Juvia
"You talk in third person? Wierdo! "-lil Gray
"At least I wear something not like you stripper! "-lil Juvia

"Bbuuuuurrrnnnneeeeddd iiitttt"-Natsu and Laxus
"She totally got it from Gajeel *sweatdrop* "-girls

The kids kept arguing while the others tried to figure out more.

"It's obvious that Gray has to kiss Juvia"-Lucy
"As obvious that they hate each other"-Levy
"... .."-others
Mira broke the silence
"Okay guys! Operation GRUVIA starts now! We have to make them like each other! "-Mira
"And how miss super smart"-Gajeel
"I mean look at them! "-Gajeel stepped aside revealing :

"Why you?!?! "-lil Gray
"Ice-princess go and sing with Elsa! "-lil Juvia
"Go annoy someone else rain! "- lil Gray

"You two! Stop right now! "-Erza
"S-aorry ma'am! "-Juvia/Gray

"Oh! I have and idea how to make them closer! "-Lucy

What? "-Mira
Whisper whisper whisper

Mira went to the stage
"Gray Juvia we have prepared a room for you two where you can go to
School!!! "-Mira

A child again*gruvia* #complete#Where stories live. Discover now