learning the "R"

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Gray woke up by the sound of something falling to the ground and breaking.
He ran to the kitchen to see what was going on.
He saw lil Juvia standing on a chair and a broken cub on the ground.
"Juvia? What are you doing? "-gray
"U-uhm... Juvia wanted to help Gway-sama cook bweakfast... "-lil Juvia
"You don't have to silly! Come on I'll help you get down"-Gray
Gray helped lil Juvia get down off the chair and made her sit on it(the chair).
"What do you want to eat? "-Gray
"Whatevew Gway-sama likes"-lil Juvia
"How about... pancakes? "-Gray
She just noddet her head. She looked a little down so Gray decidet to lighten the mood a liitle and maybe even make her happy again.
"How about we learn how to speak normally"-Gray
"B-but Juvia speeks nowmally! "Lil Juvia
"Say "R""-Gray
"Aw"-lil Juvia
"*sigh* say Gray !"-Gray
"Gway! "-Lil Juvia
Gray POV
I have to admin... .she is soooo adorable! The way she says "w" and not "r" is cute! But... what if... when she turns back to normal... maybe she'll have problems. So she better learn it now... but how should I teach her! Omg!!! Ugh!
"Ok Juvia don't speak quick! Take your time when you speak. Nobody's gonna run away so do it slowly. Ok? *Juvia nodds* good. So again.say:I'm eating with Gray"-Gray
"Ok! Juvia's...eating... with... Gw-Gray! "-lil Juvia
"Perfect! That's my girl *ruffles hair* now a little more difficult"-Gray
"Ready? "
"Yup! "-lil Juvia
"Say: Gray and Mira cooked breakfast. "-gray
"Gray and Miwa cooked breakfast"-lil Juvia
"Say Mira again"-Gray
"Miwa"-lil Juvia
"Again princess! "-gray
"M-mira"-lil Juvia
"Very good! Now say something on your own"-Gray
"Hmmm.... Gw-Gray-sama made pancakes for bw-breakfast and M-Mira is at the guild with Gajeel-kun! "-lil Juvia
"Excellent! Now tell me... what is Gajeel to you? "-Gray
"Juvias brothew! "-lil Juvia
"Nop... again sweety... "-me
**timeskip 1 a half hour**
Omg! She'll never learn it!!!! Ugh! I need to calm down... she is a kid...
"No Juvia *sits her on his lap* say it again. "-me
"Gajeel-kun is Juvias brother and aunt Levys bad wolf! "-lil Juvia
"Very good! Wait.Why bad wolf? "-me
"Because... in the books the bad wolf teases the little kids and Gajeel-kun always calls aunt Levy a shrimp. "-lil Juvia
I had to laugh with that. And she learnded how to speak!
"Wanna tell your big bro that you learned to speek? "-me
"Yeay! Juvia and Gray-sama are going to the guild! "-Lil Juvia
I smiled as she ran to the room took horsie and got dressed.
"Can horsie come too? *puppy eyes* "-Lil Juvia
"Of course princess. Now come on"-Gray
We went to the guild she quickly opened the door and went straight to Gajeel.
"Gajeel-kun! Gajeel-kun! "-lil Juvia
"Whats up rain? "-Gajeel
"Gray-sama teached Juvia how to talk normally!!! "-lil Juvia
"Very good! *ruffels hair and pats head but then hugs her* you are great my baby sis! "-Gajeel
Me and Levy, who was talking with him before we arrived, had a wtf look.
He turned to us.
"What? I just love my little babyyy!!! "-Gajeel
After a while he let her go and again talked with Levy.
Juvia played with horsie and I was watching her while talking to the"couple"with me.
"Gray-sama! Horsie and Juvia are tired! "-lil Juvia
"Ok, lets go. Bye guys! "-me
"Bye minna! "-lil Juvia
I really wonder when she'll be back to normal... I should ask Levy and Lucy tomorrow. But I enjoy it... taking care of lil Juvia is so perfect... but well!Maybe I'll have to take care about mine and Juvias child one day! This would be better! I mean taking care of Juvia is cool but taking care with Juvia will be awesome!
We went back. I layed her down on the bed. (Yeah he was carrying her)
"Goodnight princess"-me
"Goodnight daddy! "-lil Juvia
"D-daddy?! "-me
"Yeah! Juvia knows that the parents learn their kids how to talk and Gray-sama teached Juvia how to say "r"!!so Gray-sama is Juvias daddy! "-lil Juvia
I blushed ten shades of red.
"I-I'm not y-your dad-dy "-me
"..... But ylGray-sama is Juvias boyfriend right? *puppy eyes* "-lil Juvia
"W-what?!?! *blushes more* I-I... "-me
"Gray-sama is! Gray-sama's a boy and Juvia friend !"-lil Juvia
I admin I was a little dissapointed by that...
"O-oh... "- me
I wouldn't mind being Juvias boyfriend....
"Well, Goodnight now"- me
"Goodnight! "-lil Juvia
I layed there with her until I fell asleep.

Ochayo minna! Sorry I haven't updated! Hope you enjoyed reading! ❤❤❤❤❤

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