A day with my lil girl

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Gray POV
I woke up and found the little angel still sleeping next to me. I got up and went to take a bath. After the bath I prepared breakfast.
"Gway-sama... *rubbs eyes*"-lil Juvia
"Good morning princess! How did you sleep? "-me
"Good! Uhm... Gway-sama? "-lil juvia
"Juvia is a little hungwy... can juvia eat?*puppy eyes* "-lil juvia
Waaa adorable!!!
"Of course you can eat silly*patts her head* -me
I gave her a plate with a pancake with syrup.
She ate a bit and her eyes light up.
"Waaaa yummyyyyy!!!! "-lil juvia
"Haha you like it? "-me
"Mhm Juvia likes it vewy much! "-lil juvia
We finished eating and got ready to go buy the little princess some clothes.
We went to the mall and straight to a shop for baby/kid clothes.
I feel like a father right now...
"Hey Juvia what is your favorite colour? Maybe pink?*showes a pink straples dress*"
"No. Juvia doesnt likes pink or purple... Juvias favorite colour is blue! Baby blue, dark blue, green blue... all the blue!!! "-lil juvia said excited
Well thats so cute and unique! All the other girls like pink! But my little angel likes blue!
"Okay then lets buy you something blue! How about this one? *shows a blue dress with baby blue painting on the one side* "-me
"Waaaaa Juvia likes it! "-lil Juvia
I put it on the shopping back. We bought a view dresses and went out of the shop.
We walked through the mall and stopped on an ice cream shop. There were tons of ice cream and so many different flowers!
"Gway-sama can Juvia have ice cweam? "-lil Juvia
"Of course Juv come on"-me
She took shocko mint(my favorite!! -admin) and I took vanilla.
We eated peacefully and as I looked at her she was full with ice cream. I laughed and cleaned her face.
"So now your clean. And is your ice cream yummy? "-me
"Yes it is wanna twy? "-lil juv
She put her ice cream near my face but before I could try the ice cream she put the ice cream on my nose and I got dirty.
"Ohhhh! So you wanna play? "-me
I stood up and put her over my shoulder and started tickling her causing our ice creams to fall. She started laughing like crazy.
"Buahahaha please stop Gway-sama! Hahaha mewcy(mercy)!!!"-lil Juvia
"No!!!! No mercy Juv! "-me
Afer a while I stopped .
We were about to leave the shop when I saw a beautiful hair clip that looked like a butterfly. I know Juvia loves butterflies so I secretly bought it. I would give it to her later. In two days is her birthday after all.
We left the mall and went to a park with a river.
Lil Juvia stared at the river with amazemend.
"Whoa!!! "-lil Juvia
We sat there for a while.
"Hey how about we go to the guild? Aunt Mira and aunt Lucy sure wanna see you."-m
"Is my bwothew(brother) thewe too??"-lil Juvia with hope in her eyes.
"You mean gajeel? I'm sure he is there. "-me
"Okayyy lets gooooo!! "-lil Juvia
She started pulling my hand.
I took her little hand and lead her to the guild.
We opened the guild doors and saw just Lucy, Kinana, Mira, Gajeel and (the guy who always is at the request board... i don't remember his name😅)
"Whoa! Where are the others?! "-me
"*turns head* oh hey Gray the othets ate all on a job and some went home"-Lucy
"Did you brought Juvia??? "-gajeel
"Yeah* Juvia comes out from behind Grays feed* "me
"Ochayo bwothew!!! "-lil Juvia
"Yo rain! "-Gajeel
"Waaaaa Juviaaa! "-the three girls
"*holds into Grays feed*
"Hey its okay! You know what? Go ask Mira to make you a doll"-me
"Juvia can make dolls hewself! Juvia has made the whole guild on dolls! When Juvia was small she made tewu tweu bozus!"-lil Juvia
Wow so in her free time she made and still makes dolls... The whole guild...
"Gway-sama!! You know... the pewsons that awe special to Juvia awe unique dolls!"ju
"Oh really? And who did you make a unique doll princess? "-me
"Mewedy! And Gway-sama... "-lil juvia
I blushed at that.
"Really?! Well how about you make another doll"-me
"But Juvia did all of hew fwiends! Even Mewedy and Lyon-san! "-lil juvia
"Well make a doll of a person you love very much"-me
"Juvia did! "-lil juvia
"Well make it.... In another style! "-me
"Okay!!! She ran to Mira on the bar asked for the things she needs to make a doll and started with her doll.
I found Lucy and Kinana sitting on a table talking. I went to them. Mira and Gajeel stayed with Juvia.
We talked about stuff we talked about how different the people in edolas are when Juvia came running with something in her hand.
"Gway-sama!Gway-sama! Juvia made a new doll!! "-lil Juvia
"Really? Wanna show me? "-me
She showed me the doll and it was... a doll of me in horse style?!?!?
"Awww cuuteee"-Kinana/Lucy
"*still shocked* what the h-"I stopped in my track because Mira glared at me.
"Eek! "-me
"It's perfect princess! *patts head* "-me
"Yeayyy!!! "She started running through the guild with the doll in the air like an airplane. Kawaiii
I looked at her play until it was getting dark outside .
"Come on princess time to go"-me
"aww you call her princess? "-Kinana
"That's so cute Gray! "-Lucy
"You like her! "-Mira
"Don't copy this stupid cat! "-me
"Buahahah"-Gajeel. I just ignored him
Juvia came and took my hand. I left without a word while Juvia winked and yelled 'bye bye'.
"Gway-sama... can you cawy(carry) Juvia? She is sleepy*rubs eyes* "-lil Juvia
"Of course princess"-me
I carried her until I got to my house. I opened the door trying not to wake her up, went inside and placed her on my bed. I carefully striped her down and again carefully put on her pygamas. I myself striped down and layed next to her(not naked dont worry!)
I kissed her forehead.
"Good night my sweet princess... your prince will protect you... dont you worry my angel.... I'll protect you til the end... I love you Juvia... "
And I drifted to sleep.


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