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(Cover made by the amazing @MyCalmInsanity.)


I stared at the gravestone for what felt like forever.

 "Here lies Amanda Styles, beloved mother and wife.

She fought hard, but some battles were meant to lose."

I looked up to see that while I was in my daze, everyone had left. Everyone, except of course, my three-year old son. Our son. The little boy with his mother's blonde hair and blue eyes. The one who acts so much like his mum it's scary sometimes. The one reminder I have left of her. 

I quickly take his hand and lead him to the car, buckling him in before getting in myself. I drive quickly home and let him out before facing the house and taking a deep breath. I slowly open the door and walk inside, Jase walking in behind me. He runs into his room as I walk slowly from room to room, taking in the quiet.

Never again will I see her bent over the stove, cooking as she hummed tunes. Never again would I see her in the living room, curled up reading a book or watching one of the stupid soap operas she loved so much.

I'll never see her running into the bedroom with her hair dripping down her shoulders after a shower.

I'll never see her in our bed, curled up and peacefully sleeping with her eyelashes fluttering and her hair in the messy bun she always put it in when she slept.

I run up the stairs to the bedroom with tears streaming down my face. I dig through the closet crazily, clothes flying everywhere. Finally, I find the light pink t-shirt. I grip it in my hands tightly before ripping it in half. I star at the two halfs with the lie emblazed on the front. "I am a breast cancer survivor"

"Daddy?" A small voice calls from behind me. I spin around to see Jase's tiny frame standing in the door way.

"What are you doing?" I swallow the lump in my throat and wipe the tears off my face.

"Nothing Jase. Go play." I reply softly.



"I miss mummy."

I reach out my arms and he runs into them, crying into my shoulder.

"I do too Jase, I do too" I say as I wrap my arms tightly around him.


A/N: I know, super short prolouge. I'm not sure when I'll write the next chapter, I just had an idea and wanted to get this up now. I put a funny video on the side to lighten the mood.

If you want to imagine Delilah as a famous person, It's Mila Kunis. 

However, the non-celebrity that plays her is Delilah (_HakunaMatata_)

Edited: 23/8/13

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