Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Daddy let's go!" Jase whines, pulling at my hand as we walk into the school.

"Slow down bud, they're not gonna start without us" I say, continuing to walk through the snow. He turns around and faces me, jutting out his bottom lip and crossing his arms while walking backwards.

"Don't walk backwards, you'll trip over something" I say, cringing as my point is proven in the form of him tripping over the curb and landing on his back.

"Listen to me next time" I say, helping him up and brushing the snow off of him. He nods before running ahead of me into the school. I jog after him, catching up just as he gets to the locker area and begins to take off his winter clothes. I help him with his boots and we both walk into the classroom together, presents in hand.

Delilah looks up and smiles when she realizes it's me. She stands up and walks over to me, sticking out a hand which I shake quickly. "Hello, thanks for coming for the concert. Not many parents wanted to help" She says, stepping back.

"This is for you Miss Delilah" Jase says, stepping forward and handing her the wrapped box.

"Thank you Jase!" She chirps, smiling down at him. "Do you have your Secret Santa gift?"

"I do." I say, holding the bag out in front of me. "I hope it'll be okay. I've never had to shop for a little girl before so I took a guess and got a Barbie"

"I'm sure she'll love it." she says, which relieves me a bit. "There's a table over there where you can put it." I look to where she has pointed and walk over there, putting the gift down. I turn around and walk back over to her, smiling as I do so.

"So, Christmas concert. Are you okay with being the MC?"


"Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your schedules to come see your children's Christmas concert, can we hear it one more time for all the students that participated?" I finish, just as the bell for the end of the school day goes off.

"I guess that's my cue to stop talking, so Merry Christmas everyone!"


'Delilah?" I ask, knocking on the door to the classroom that's empty-save for Delilah-.

"Hello! You were great out there by the way, thanks so much for volunteering!" she says, putting her coat on and walking towards me.

"Yeah, thanks, no problem. I just-uh- I just-" I begin, my words failing me.

"I-I just wanted to know if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime?" The question hangs in the air for a moment as she stares at me with a surprised expression.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. That would be great" she says finally, a smile taking over her face.

"Great I'll um, I'll call you alright?" I ask, walking out of the classroom with a smile.

"Small problem there" she replies, and I stop in my tracks, the smile dropping off my face.

"What?" I ask

"You don't have my number." She says as I breath out, relieved that it wasn't something worse. She steps forward with her phone extended as I take it, putting in my number and handing her mine as she does the same.

"Now you can call me" she smiles again, and I do too as I walk out of the room.


Merry Christmas! I know I haven't updated in a long while, but I had a terrible writers block. You can all thank my friend Maddie for bugging me until I did.

Edited: 30/7

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