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The acknowledgements, along with this entire book, are dedicated to @_HakunaMatata_, the real life Delilah this story is based off of. I'm not sure if you still read this Delilah, but if you do then thank yo for sticking with it, and lending me your image, and well as your support when I was first starting out. 

Holy God, I can’t believe this story is actually over. It’s been over a year since I started this story, fuelled by an idea in my head and the image of Delilah (@_HakunaMatata_ here on Wattpad) as my main character. I’ve come a long way since this all started, and while I will miss writing this story, there’s a small part of me that’s glad to have it done and over with. Now, onto all the people I have to thank.

                First and foremost, I’d like to thank every single person who read even a little bit of this story. Seeing how many reads this story has racked up over the year and a bit I’ve been writing makes me so very happy, even if it may seem small in comparison to some other people.

                Thank you to @ThotsForDays for commenting so many times on my chapters, putting a smile on my face and helping me to get over my writers block.

                Thank you to my real life and online friend Maddie (@maddie_14xo) for texting me without fail “Yaaa you updated” every time a new chapter is put up.

                Thank you to @appleashton @fedorasforharry and @chickenfillet1d for constantly showing up in my notifications with votes.

                Thank you to my laptop, for holding out on me even when I’ve hit it in frustration because of writers block and the fact that the “B” key only works a third of the time.

                Thank you for spell check and Word, for helping me write words that are spelt correctly.

                Finally, thank you to Harry Styles, for being the idiot that he is and giving me a perfect personality to write with.

So that’s all, that’s the final piece of writing that will ever enter this book. I’ll miss it terribly, along with my friends that I’ve made through it, but remember this isn’t the end of my writing! If you’re still interested in viewing my writing, head to my profile, I have a new story starting sometime this month that will be updated much more frequently than this one was. Thank you so much for everything guys, I love you all.

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