Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to ThotsForDays cause she always comments and makes me really really happy


"Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty"

I reach over to the knob on the car radio, quickly turning it down as my throat begins to feel tight. It's been close to a year since Delilah and I broke up, and every day I regret it more and more. I should have supported her dreams. I should have gone with her.

I had imagined what it could have been like if I had moved with her millions of times, just to torture myself it seemed. We could have bought a house out in the suburbs, I'm sure Jase would have loved it. We could have had barbecues with the neighbours and had a picket fence going around our house. Maybe we could have even gotten a dog.

But all that wasn't possible anymore. That was all distant history. I had tried to see one or two other people since then, but it all felt inherently wrong. I'd tried to explain it to myself a thousand times, but I couldn't even wrap my own head around it. It's like, when Amanda first died, being around other women in intimate situations was wrong. But then when I met Delilah, when I started to get closer to Delilah, when I loved her, it felt right. And now that feeling of wrongness is back again.

People often believe that you only get one true love in life, and everyone that comes before or after that wasn't meant to be. While to be perfectly honest, I think that's utter bullshit. If that were true, then what would become of all the people who never got to meet their one and only? What would become of the people who lived on the opposite side of the world from their destined love, and never even found out about their existence? Would fate screw them over and make them live a life without love?

Or would it make an exception? Would it change their destiny?

I have a feeling inside that gets strong and stronger every day. This feeling is that the latter is true. That if something happens that means you can't end up with the one that fate decided for you, it'll give you a second chance. Delilah was my second chance. But I don't think I'll get a third. I don't think fate makes an exception for being a prick.

A tapping on my window breaks me from my thoughts, and reminds me why I'm parked at the curb. Turning my head, I see the now familiar red hair of Jase's grade one teacher, Jase's hand clutched in hers. Smiling, I open the door to my car, and step out into the sunlight.

"See Jase, nothing to worry about. Your Daddy's right here." The teacher says, thrusting her hand out as a way to urge Jase to get into the car.

"Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts and I uh- I lost track of time" I admit, still a little bit out of it. She offers a small smile before walking quickly away and back into the school building, leaving Jase and I alone.


"Goodnight Daddy." Jase whispers before he yawns, and I kiss him on the forehead, pulling the covers up around his neck.

"Goodnight Jase." I whisper, standing up and turning his bedroom light off, then closing the door quietly and making my way into the living room where I flop down on the couch.

I close my eyes as I let the stress of the day get to me. My publisher had decided that I was taking too long with my newest book and had dropped not only that book, but me as a whole. So now not only was I out of a job, but I had to put up with finding a new publisher, which wouldn't be easy.

It would have all been so much easier if I had just gone with Delilah. God, there's got to be hundreds of publishers in New York City. Or at least more than were in this crappy city in the middle of England. I let out a loud sigh as my regrets get to me once again, making me wish that I had packed up my bags and left with her, or at least not have broken up with her so soon. It was all over, just like that. The months and months of time and love we had put into our relationship were for nothing, gone in what seems now like a minute.

A knocking on the door bring me out of my dream-like state, and I look to the clock hung on the wall beside the window, wondering both who would be coming round at eleven o'clock and more so who would come round during a major thunderstorm.

I open the door cautiously, worried that it could in fact be a crazed murderer, but of all the people I expected to be out there, ranging from my mother to Freddie Kruger, I didn't have any small thought even in the back of my mind that it would be who it was.

There, standing on the front step, drenched from head to toe, and with a soaked coat hung off her shoulders and makeup running down her face, stood someone who I had thought was gone for good.



A/N: I'm tired and have school tomorrow but I felt bad that I haven't updated in forever so here you beautiful people go. Thanks if you've stuck with this story for this long, but I will tell you know that it'll be wrapping up soon so the next few chapters will move very very quickly.

Also, if you're into 5sos at all and would like to read my fanfics about them, I'll be starting two as soon as this ends and I also have a few others up that will be starting after those end. If that made sense.

Feel free to private message me anytime, if any of you are having problems or just want to talk, I'm always here.

Edited: 11/12

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