Chapter Eleven

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The rain was still beating hard as I stepped out of the car and ran to her front door, pounding on it. I stepped back, brushing my wet curls out of my eyes and to the side as I waited. Fear was eating me alive as my heart pounded loudly. What if she didn’t forgive me? What if she didn’t even open the door?

"Harry?" Delilah's eyes widened as she opened the door and saw me standing there, at least one of my fears gone.

" I- you shouldn't be here." she began to close the door, the hurt evident in her eyes. I put out my hand to stop the door from closing. She stared up at me, her eyes wide. I couldn’t bear to think that it was me who had hurt her this much. God, my actions must have made it seem like I didn’t like her. That I didn’t think she was good enough for me, when it was the exact opposite. I wasn’t good enough for her. I never would be.

"I-I'm sorry. Listen, okay. I know I messed up. You're amazing Delilah. I know you would have understood if I had just told you. But- but I didn't. I flipped out and... and I mean it's not that I wouldn't want to, maybe sometime in the future because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted but- but that's not the point. The point-"

"Harry" Delilah cut me off "You really don't have to-"

                “No, you don't understand. I do. It's just, every woman I've tried to be with since Amanda felt like cheating and I just, I got scared. I got scared, and I pushed you off, and I probably made you feel like I didn't like you when that's not the case, it's really not. I-I love you Delilah." I stopped for a minute as my voice cracked, taking in her stunned expression.

                “And- and I know that I've only known you for a short amount of time, and you probably don’t believe that someone could fall in love this easily. Hell, I didn’t even until I laid eyes on you for the first time, and realized that you’re everything I’ve ever wanted in life and more. I also know that life is short, it's really short. And I've known since the first moment I saw you, and you made me feel like you were the only person in the room. I don't care that I haven't known you for very long, because, because I love you. And I think that’s the only thing I can say about this Delilah. As much as I try to deny it because I feel like it’s wrong, like Amanda’s the only woman I’ll ever truly feel this way about. I am madly, truly, crazily in love with you." I finish, wiping my wet hair out of my eyes again.

                Wordlessly, she dropped the blanket that had previously been wrapped tightly around her, and stepped forward, resting her hand on my cheek and leaning forward. She pressed her lips to mine, as I stood there stunned for a moment. Finally I reacted, cupping her face as we kissed. 
I brought one arm down to the small of her back, pressing her body to mine and picking her up, while spinning us both around, not removing my lips from hers. 

        I set her down on the front step, finally pulling away. I wrap my other arm around her waist as we both laughed. I didn’t care how cliché it was that we had shared a kiss in the rain, or that this had even happened, all I cared was that I would get to have a hundred more cliché moments like this with her. At least I hoped I would. But maybe I wouldn’t. She didn’t say that she loved me back, come to think of it. Maybe she hadn’t meant for this to be a kiss like this? Maybe she had meant it as a goodbye kiss. Oh god, maybe I had screwed up once again.

                “I love you too Harry"

Or maybe not.
Okay, I know that this was very short and very cliché and very messy.

IF YOU THINK IT’S MOVING TOO FAST: This story is not going to be much longer. This actually fits in with what a normal story time line would be, however this story is going to be shorter than most. It will only reach fifteen chapters and an epilogue.


Edited: 11/12

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