Alternate Ending One

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A/N: Here you go guys. I've had this written for awhile but I've been putting off on posting it 'cause this marks almost the end of the story. The other ending should be up sometime soon.

Dedication to appleashton 'cause I think she's just joined this party bus, but she's liked multiple chapters so she getsit.


I hit the period button for the final time, leaning back in my chair contentedly, closing my eyes and putting my hands behind my head.

“Harry?” a voice calls from the doorway to my study, and I turn my chair to be met with Delilah’s head poking in the frame of the door.

“Yeah babe?” I ask, standing up from the chair.

“Are you done now? Can I come in or am I going to get in trouble for ‘disturbing your creative process’ again?” I chuckle in response, opening my arms and taking her into them as she walks away from the frame. She pulls away, her hands instantly coming to rest on her large middle.

“I’m done now” I finally reply, returning back to my computer to hit save.

“Done for the day, or done-done?”

“Done-done” I say, my face cracking into a huge smile.

“Oh my god Harry! That’s amazing!” she squeals, running into my arms again. “Does this mean you’ll finally tell me what it’s about?”

“See for yourself” I smile, pulling out the chair and sitting down, letting her sit down on my lap immediately after. She clicks on the first chapter and begins to read it, her eyes scanning across the screen quickly. She reaches the end of the first chapter and swivels around in my lap to face me.

“Is this…”
“The story of our life? Yes.” I say, creating huge grins on both of our faces.

“Harry that’s so sweet!” she exclaims, obviously happy. She leans in, pressing her lips to mine. My hands come to rest on her sides. My hands run up under her shirt, which I quickly help her out of. However we’re quickly stopped from this rather fun activity by a voice that passes by the door.

“Dad, Delilah, please close the door the next time you plan on getting it on. My friends do not want to be forced to watch this when trying to walk to the kitchen. All we wanted was chips. Not soft-core porn.”

“Watch your tone young man.” I rely sternly, trying to turn the chair; however this is quite a hard task to do when your wife is sitting on your lap. I do turn eventually, only to see Jase standing there, his lanky frame outlined well in the door frame. He was an incredibly tall boy, and there was no doubt that we was an attractive sixteen-year-old. He had inherited Amanda’s blue eyes and blonde hair, however my curls. He had developed a nice sense of style too. The girl standing next to him clearly seemed to agree, this not only being obvious by the way she clung to his arm, but by the fact that they had been dating for near three years.

The boy standing next to him was another guy who I had seen grow and mature, much like Jase. He was one of Jase’s first friends here, back when we first moved here. The other two boys I did not recognize, however they seemed all too interested in my wife’s half-naked state.

Jase simply rolls his eyes and walks in the direction of the kitchen, the other four following behind him.

“Dude, your step-mom’s hot.” I hear an un-familiar voice say from the kitchen, knowing it must be one of the boys I hadn’t met yet, as they were the only ones who wouldn’t know that the walls in this house are paper thin.

“Dude, she’s too old for you. And married. And pregnant!” Jase replies, sounding more distressed with each statement he makes.

Delilah begins to crack up, her hands still on my neck. “Teenagers” I exclaim, looking up to the sky in mock-exasperation. She leans into me for one last long kiss, but pulls away as we hear a small voice in the doorway.

“Mommy? Daddy?” We look to the place where Jase stood only moments ago, to see our young daughter Carmen. Delilah gets off me now, pulling on her shirt as we realize that we wouldn’t be getting anywhere with so many kids in the house.

“Yeah sweetie?” I ask, getting out of the chair and crossing the room, picking her up. She giggles as I lift her up in the air above my head, squealing as I pretend to drop her.

“Can we have a tea-party?” She asks earnestly, looking at me with large eyes.

“Of course, I love tea parties!” I fake excitement, and set her down to the ground. She grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs to her play room, Delilah following behind us. The two of us sit at the much too small table, Carmen bouncing over to the toy chest, where she kept her plastic dishes.

She comes back, a large smile on her face and joins us, pretending to pour us all tea. She sits across from the both of us as we pretend to drink tea and eat what she insists are crumpets, though really they’re just blobs of play-dough that we slip out of sight whenever she’s not looking.

And as stupid as I felt, sitting here at a much too small table beside my pregnant wife and imaginative daughter, I knew that the last line of the book I had just finished was true;

This was my happily ever after.

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