Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Are you ready to see the animals bud?” I ask, holding Jase’s hand as we wait in line for the zoo. He nods, squeezing my hand a little tighter out of excitement.

“I wanna see the elephants!” he says, almost bouncing up and down. “Miss Delilah told us about them in class!”

“Really? Did she tell you about their great big ears?” I ask, stepping forward as the next person gets their tickets.

“Yeah. And their funny wrinkly knees.” He laughs, somehow finding it funny.

I smile back as the person in front of us gets their tickets, meaning that we're, finally, at the front of the line. I pay and walk in the front gate, keeping a strong grip on Jase’s hand. I bend down so that I’m at his level, pulling him closer so that he can hear me. “Don’t let go of Daddy’s hand okay? There are a lot of people here, and I don’t want you to get lost in them. Got it?” He nods very seriously before kissing me on the cheek.

“Let’s go Daddy!’ He shrieks, trying –and failing- to pull me along with him. I stand up and following after him, watching as he runs past exhibit after exhibit. Finally, we stop in front of the huge cages containing the elephants, where Jase stands, smiling fondly at them.

“He seems to like the elephants. It’s almost the only thing he talks about in class, ever since I showed them all a video of different zoo animals.” A voice which I instantly recognize says from behind me.

“Delilah!” I say, turning to face her. She’s standing behind me, with her hair pulled into a pony tail and a loose pink t-shirt hanging over her skinny jeans. She lifts one hand up in a wave, and that’s when I notice a small girl holding on to the other one.

“Is this your daughter?” I ask, waving at the little girl who hides behind Delilah’s leg, peeking out just slightly.

“My niece. I’m not married.” She says, smiling as Jase finally turns, his face brightening when he sees the girl.

“Maddie!” He shrieks, running behind Delilah and giving the girl –who I assume is Maddie- a huge hug.

“She’s also in my class.” Delilah says, answering my unasked question of how they know each other.

"I see." I say, smiling down fondly at my son.

“Daddy I’m hungry.” Jase suddenly complains, popping out from behind Delilah again.

“Well I think we’re going to go get something to eat. It’s almost lunch anyway.” I say, checking my phone and inwardly sighing as I really don’t wanna stop talking to her.

“We’ll come with you!” She says brightly, before hurrying to add. “I think Maddie’s hungry anyway aren’t you?” the last part, of course, is directed towards the small blond haired girl, who nods in response.

“Well then let’s go! I think I saw a place when we were coming in.” I say, beginning to walk as Delilah falls in step with me, both of us smiling.


 Little shorter than usual, but I had a huge writer’s block and couldn’t think of what to write at all.

Edited: 29/7

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