Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I sighed as I look away from the four sentences I had written in the past hour and a half. Whenever I finally had a good idea, I couldn't find the right way to put it and the sentence ended up being rubbish. I stood up and stretched, looking at the various dirty mugs and crumpled papers that littered my desk. Looking around, I realized that most of the den was in this state. Saving my precious four sentences, I shut off my laptop and decide to clean up a little bit, having given up on getting any real writing done today.


I started the dishwasher and walked back into the den, sitting down in the now clean room. I looked over to the clock hanging on the wall and did a double take.

"Jesus" I muttered as I stood up, grabbing my keys and phone. I opened the front door and walked out, locking the door behind me before scrambling into the car and starting it, pulling out of the drive way.

Somehow, I had spent two hours cleaning the room and was about to be late to pick Jase up.


"Hi, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I walked into the almost empty daycare room.

"It's fine" Delilah said with a smile as she glanced up at the clock. "It's only ten after noon; you're only a little late"

"Still, I'm so sorry. I was cleaning and the time got away from me and by the time I finally looked at a clock, it was already five to." the sentence tumbled out of my mouthas I smiled sheepishly at Delilah and I took Jase's hand in mine

"No no, it's really fine, don't worry." She said, smiling. "Being a little late for my lunch isn't a big deal."

"If you're sure..." I trailed off before turning around and walking to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow" I said over my shoulder before leading Jase out into the hall


I woke up with a smile on my face and went through my normal routine of getting both myself and Jase ready, leaving a few minutes early in hopes of being able to talk to Delilah again.

Once we reached the preschool, I helped Jase out of his car seat and into the school, waving at the secretary as I passed. I checked my watch as I stood at the door, surprised that we were ten minutes early. Jase ran into the room and over to a group of other early kids, and I made my way over to the teacher's desk, not really knowing what to say.

Delilah looked up from her desk, startled as I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you were there." She said apologetically as she shuffled papers around on her desk. "You must be here for the forms, right?"

Suddenly, I was speechless and my mouth had gone dry. I just nodded, having no clue what sheets she was talking about but playing along.

She smiled as she handed me a few sheets. "This one is consent." She said, pointing to one. "That's health information, that's the rules of this class that I'd like you to go over with your child, that's the supplies list and this, is a newsletter. It's mainly about the upcoming parent day"

I nodded again as she motioned to each paper in turn. "What's a parent day?" I asked, my voice finally returning to me.

"It's just a day where parents come in; the students do activities with them; I talk to them about their child and show them the curriculum. Your wife's invited as well." She said, her smile not faltering.

"I don't think she'll be able to make it" I chuckle dryly, shuffling through the sheets

Her smile dropped as she considered what I just said. "I'm sorry, are you and Jase's mother no longer together?" 

"I guess you could say that. More like, she's not with us anymore." I said, trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. She took a step forewords and placed her hand lightly on my arm as she realized what I had just said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Nah it's fine." I said, taking a step back. "You didn't mean any harm. Thanks for the forms; I'll see you at parent day." I smiled, turning and walking out the door, feeling a little sad as the buses will start tomorrow, meaning I won't get to see her at drop off and pick up time.


A/N: I'm sorry, this was a page and a half on word. I've had massive writer's block but I'm trying to get over it. So here's the second chapter. Vote, Follow and leave your opinions in the comments.

Also, the picture at the side was done by the lovley @annclostre312. Remember, if you make or draw or do anything to go along with any of my stories, send it to me on this and it'll be featured probably on the next chapter. Dedication also goes to her

Edited: 27/6

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