Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I stepnimbly up the steps, my palms sweaty.  I pocket my keys before shakily reaching out a finger, and pressing down the doorbell. My heart beats fast as I wait in silence, silently counting the seconds it takes her to answer.

                My heart flutters a bit as she opens the door, the light from the hallway behind her casting a golden halo around her thin frame. “Harry!” She exclaims, pulling me forward into a hug. I breath out a sigh of relief, a breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

                “What, were you afraid I wasn’t going to answer the door?” She teases me, saying what I had said the last time we talked over the phone.

                “No I just, I just…” I trail off, my words escaping me. I can feel my cheeks burning, and I knew that meant they’d be bright red at this point.

                “Come on.” She giggles, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house with her. “I spent an hour yesterday tracking down my season two discs. I had leant them to a friend, who’d lent it to a boyfriend, who’d sworn he gave it back to her.”

                “So who had it?” I ask, sitting down on the cream coloured couch in front of the black screen.

                “The friend’s cousin’s sister-in-law.” She says, popping the disc into a slot and turning the telly on before flouncing back to sit beside me.  I laugh, liking how she never told me how the discs ended up there, and adjust myself, preparing to watch the show.


“Told you it’d make you cry like a baby.” Delilah says, wiping away a few of her own tears with the tissues beside the couch.

“I’m- I’m not crying like a baby.” I say, wiping my eyes with the heels of my hands rather than a tissue. I know I'm not fooling her though, as I had to blink fast and look at the ceiling just to stop from crying more.

“Harry?” she says, her tone making it seem like a question.

“Yeah?” I ask in reply, finally looking down.  When I do, she's much closer than she had been before, her knees touching mine. She wordlessly begins to inch her face closer and closer to mine, brushing her hair behind her ears. And then, before I can process anything, her lips are against mine, her nose brushing against mine, as she moves her body closer to mine. I wrap my arms around her back, pulling her impossibly closer to me.

                She puts her hands on my shoulders, pressing me down into a lying down position on the couch, sitting down on my stomach with her legs on either side of my hips. She continues to press her lips to mine, toying with the hem of my shirt before pulling it over my head. I do the same to hers, and it was there, with her sitting on top of me in just my bra and underwear, that I realized I can’t do this.  

“I-I’m sorry” I say, pushing her off of me and grabbing my shirt. I pul it over my head, realizing once it's on that it's backwards. “Oh god. Oh god. I-I’m so sorry.” I mumble, fixing my shirt so that it's the right way on, and half-running half-walking to the door.

                “Harry, oh my god, I’m so, so sorry.” Delilah says, following me as she pulls her shirt on. “Harry. Harry!” she calls after me as I run out the door, getting into my car. Tears begin to well up in my eyes and a sob catches in my throat, choking me as I speed away. The tears spill over, blurring my sight as I turn off of the highway, down onto the road home.


Okay, short chapter after a long break, I know.

I had writer’s block for a long while, then I just couldn’t bring myself to write.

This story will probably be ending rather soon, and I’ll be switching to teen fic rather than fan fic.

If you ever want to see my other writings, I have one other story called “Listen” up right now, so you can check out that.

Also, if you ever want updates of my life, check out my bio, I have all my links there.

Edited 30/7

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