Chapter One

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To clarify, this story takes place about a year after the prologue


I groan as I stretch back in my chair, rubbing my hands over my face. I lean forward again, hitting save before grabbing my cup of coffee and taking a sip.

"Only one more chapter to go." I mutter to myself, scanning the lines that I had written

"Daddy?" I turn around as I hear a small voice from behind me. Checking the wall clock, I frown.

"Jase, why are you up at one a.m.?" I ask the four-year old.

"I couldn't sleep" he says, yawning as he holds his stuffed bear tightly in one hand.

"Then come here" I say as I hold my arms open. "I'll sing you a lullaby but then you have to go to sleep alright?" he nods before running over to me and lifting his hands up. I pick him up and wrap my arms around his back as he rests his head on my shoulder. I think for a minute before beginning to softly sing "Wake Me Up", a slow song by Ed Sheeran that I've always liked. It had been Amanda's favorite song too, and I remember her singing it to Jase when he couldn't sleep.

I smile sadly as I finish the song and feel his breathing even out. I stand up cautiously, being careful not to wake him up. I slowly walk up the stairs and down the dark hall before opening the door and walking over to his bed. I lie him down and press a kiss to his forehead before walking quietly out and closing the door behind me. I sit back down at the computer and write a few sentences before letting out a loud yawn and shutting my laptop, deciding that my story would have to wait till tomorrow.


The sun outside is bright for once. I notice this because it pours through my curtains, waking me up. I roll over and check the clock, groaning as I realize it's only seven in the morning. I get out of bed and trudge down the hall, opening Jase's door just a crack to see him still sound asleep. I smile fondly before closing the door and turning around, heading for the bathroom to shower before he gets up.


I shut the water off and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. I open the door and hurry across the hall and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I walk over to the closet and drop my towel before pulling on a pair of boxers, a black v neck tee shirt, and jeans.

I grab the towel and walk back to the bathroom, hanging it up before walking back down the hall, once again checking if Jase was awake. Seeing him still asleep, I walk down the stairs and grab a bowl from the cabinet before pouring milk and cereal into it.

I grab a spoon and sit at the table eating when I hear soft footsteps upstairs. I quickly finish before putting my dishes into the dishwasher and climbing the stairs, looking around.

"Jase?" I call softly.

"Daddy!" I hear a voice from my room before a blur of blonde curls came running down the hall, tackling my legs and almost making me fall down the stairs.

"Hey bud." I say as I picked him up over my head. "Did you get a goodnights sleep?" I bring him back down and wrap my arm around his back.

"Yes" He says, nodding his head before yawning.

"It doesn't seem like you did you goose" I say as I brush my fingers over his stomach, making him squeal with laughter.

"Now come on" I say as I set him down on his feet. "We have to get you ready. Today is your first day of preschool, and we can't be late." I take his hand and lead him down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab a box of sugary cereal before pouring it into a bowl along with milk and a spoon.

"I have to go brush my teeth now alright?" I say as I hand him the bowl. "If you finish before I come back down, go into your room and change into the clothes on your bed." I instruct him slowly, hoping that he would remember it all.

"Okay Daddy" He says happily as he shoves a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. I smile before climbing the stairs and going into his room, putting the clothes for his preschool uniform on his bed.

At first I found it weird that they were making three to six years olds wear uniforms, but then I realized that it's a pretty elite school.

I wanted to send him to a school with a more relaxed atmosphere, but Amanda had had her heart set on this one. She said that she went to it, and that it wasthe best school ever.

I sigh, remembering Amanda as I lie out the tiny navy polo and tan pants on the bed. I then head to the bathroom, and squirt a thin line of toothpaste onto my toothbrush before wetting it and brushing my teeth.

I hear Jase go into his room before he comes out in his uniform and stands on his stepstool, grabbing his tooth brush as he did so.

He squirts too much toothpaste onto it before running it under the water quickly and brushing his teeth beside me. I spit into the sink before taking a mouthful of water and swishing it around in my mouth then spitting it out. I run my toothbrush under the water to clean it before putting it back in its cup and running my fingers through my hair.

Jase eventually finishes brushing his teeth and rinses his mouth and toothbrush before turning to face me and smiling.

I grab his hairbrush and run it through his hair before setting it down. "You ready?" I ask. He nods and we go outside together before I make him stand in front of the door whilst I take a picture.

I smile at him before leading him to the car and buckling him in. I get then in the front before starting the car.


"Daddy I'm scared." Jase says quietly as we walk towards the building.

"Don't be sweetie. It'll be fine." I say as I open the door and we both walk in.

"Hello! This is Jase, and he's four. What room does he go to?" I ask the lady behind a desk.

"Second door to the left." She says as she smiles and points. I say a "thank you" before leading him there.

"Have fun okay?" I say as I bend down to his height and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Don't worry; we'll take good care of him" A cheery voice singsongs from the doorway. I stand up and suck in my breath. In front of me stands the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Even more beautiful then Amanda.

She had brown hair tied up in a neat bun and bright hazel eyes. She was wearing the same outfit as all the other teachers, but she looked about thirty years younger than them. Of course, that's not saying much, considering the others all seem around fiftty. Her arms and legs had a slight tan to them, implying that she spent a lot of time outdoors.

"I'm Harry" I say as I stick out my hand for her to shake.

"Delilah. But that's Miss Delilah to you." She says, shaking my hand but looking down at the end, talking to Jase.

"Well Miss Delilah," I said, liking the way it rolled off my tongue. "I will see you again at pickup time." With that, I spin on my heel and walk out of the building quickly


A/N: Woah, did I finally get wifi for long enough to update? Yes I did.

Dedicated to: Miss_Jerri for being the second person to comment on the prologue. (The first had already gotten one)

Video: Just Can't Let Her Go by One Direction because a) It recently got leaked (like today or yesterday) and b) Its fucking amazing. (Pardon my language)

Edited: 23/8/13

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