Chapter Twelve

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Dedicated to harrysfedora_ cause I don't think I've said a single word to him/her but I see them always liking my chapters and her /his icon makes my sides hurt from laughing.


Six Months Later

"Delilah wait. Wait. DELILAH!" I all but scream, grabbing her arm as she tried to walk out of the house. "I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It slipped out! You know I didn't really mean that!"

"Oh, so you mean you didn't mean it when you told me my dreams are stupid and aren’t worth moving for?" she asked, whirling around and pulling her arm roughly away from mine, her tone cold and her eyes angrily shooting daggers at me.

“No. No, what you want to do isn't stupid. Just, do you really want to move away to do it? All the way to New York City? Delilah, your whole life is here, in England. Our whole life is here"

“Harry, teaching at NYU has been my dream for as long as I can remember. It’s the only reason I took a teaching course. It’s all that I’ve ever wanted to do since I was little. I'm a kindergarten teacher for gods sake! Do you even have any idea how much that sucks? I’ve always known I’m good enough to teach there. And now I’m being given proof of that. And you expect me to stay here, wasting my time on five year olds? Because you don’t want me to go?"

“ I know it must suck. I know how it feels to have your talents go unappreciated, to know that you’re worth more than what you’re doing. But Delilah, I can't function if you move there. I'll never see you. How are we even going to work it?" I ask, fearing the answer and looking down.

“I told you, you could move with me. We could live there together with Jase, our little family in the city where dreams come true."

“What?" I ask, my head snapping up. "I- No. I have friends, and family here! Jase goes to school here! I live here. Everything I’ve ever known and loved is here. A-Amanda is here. I can’t leave her. You know that I love you. But she’ll always have a place heart. How am I supposed to live thousands of kilometers away from her? I’ll never visit her grave again." I say the last part softly, knowing even as it came out of my mouth how crazy it made me seem.

"Harry, she’s dead. I can’t keep coming in second to someone who’s never coming back. You didn’t even want to be with me in the first place because of her. She’s dead Harry, and you have to accept that!” Her words hit me like a slap in the face, the silence following a deadly shade of quiet. I stare at the floor, not daring to look up at her. I couldn’t bear it. I know what she’s saying is true, but how could she say that?

She takes a deep breath before speaking again. “Harry, I need you to need me to stay. And you don't. Nothing is stopping you from coming with me. Jase can find a new school, we can find an apartment, you can still visit your friends and family on holidays, my salary is good enough to pay for the flights. You can work anywhere. I can't. This is my one chance to actually do something with my life. And you're crazy if you think I'm not going to take it. I'm- I'm sorry to do this Harry, but I think I should go."

“Wait. No, Delilah, please." I say, following her out the door.

“I can't do this anymore." she whispers before she leaves, ripping my heart out and shredding it into a million pieces. "I'm sorry Harry. Goodbye."

I watched as she pulled away in her car, the sun hitting the pavement where her car had just been. I slipped back into the house, only to see Jase watching me from the living room.

“Daddy? What happened? Where’s Delilah gone? Is she coming back?" He asked, seeing my ruffled hair and teary eyes.

“Daddy just- Daddy made a mistake." I say, resting my back on the door and sliding down it until I was sitting on the ground, my head in my hands.

“It's alright Daddy." Jase says as he toddles over to me and sits down, wrapping his small arm around my shoulders. "Daddy, you can fix your mistake, just like you fix my boo-boos when I fall down."

I smiled at his innocence. It was amazing how a small child being oblivious could cheer me up. I wrapped my arm around his tiny frame, pulling him closer as we both say in silence.

"I’m afraid not buddy. I think it's just you and me now."


Edited: 11/12

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