Chapter Fifteen

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Dedicated to ChickenFillet1D for voting for all of my chapters, even though I've never talked to him/her


“You ready little man?” Delilah’s younger brother Josh asks as he squats down to Jase’s level, holding out his fist. Jase nods eagerly, bumping Josh’s first with his own. I bend down in front of Jase as well, adjusting his small tie.

“Just remember, walk in a straight line. And smile.” I say, to which he flashes me a toothy grin.

“Daddy, I’m six. I’m a big boy now, I can do it.” he laughs, making me chuckle in the process. I fix his tie one more time before standing up. Delilah’s friend Amelia appears from around the corner, calling Jase, who promptly follows her, taking her hand in his slyly as he does. He’s becoming quite the little heartbreaker.

“You ready?” Ben-Josh’s twin- asks as he walks over to me from across the room, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod and give a shaky smile. This was a huge thing. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to do it again.

“Thanks for all being here for me today; I’m not sure if I would make it through today without you.” The five other boys in the room plus Josh -who had left and came back about a minute ago- came into a circle around me. “Let’s do this!” William –a friend I had made during my first year in New York exclaimed, as we all gave each other reassuring nods. We then began to walk.


I stood in front of the huge crowd, taking it all in. I knew that Delilah had a huge family and many friends that she had met at NYU, however I had no idea it was this many. My stomach begins to turn when I think of Delilah, and where she is now.

All of the sudden, I wasn’t sure if I could do this. Not again. Before I can consider putting my plan of busting the stained glass windows down and getting the hell out of there, the organ begins to play. It’s too late to turn back now.

Suddenly, the doors to the back of the church opened, and out walked Jase and Delilah’s niece Lilly, one dressed in a tux and the other in a ruby red dress, both holding items in their hands. They walk slowly and earnestly up the aisle, Jase remembering what I said and smiling. Lilly’s mother had either had a chat with her about it too, or she was just a naturally happy four-year-old. Either way, both kids were perfect walking up the aisle, and I was glad when I saw a man with a large camera standing near the end of the aisle, snapping pictures.

The icing on the top of this cake was that when they finally reached the end of the long church aisle, before they split so that Lilly was alone on one side and Jase joined us, he leaned into her, pecking her cheek sweetly and shyly. This earned a collective “aww” from the crowd. I ignored the slight incest vibe of this moment as they would soon technically be cousins, and decided instead to focus on everything else to stop myself from hurtling through the closest window.

The old stone walls of the massive church fit the romantic vibe we had going on perfectly. Our decorator was a mastermind, and had gotten roses to curl up along the walls, and over all of the backs of the pews. The dark mahogany wood of the pews set off the decorations perfectly, which were mason jars with fake candles and real roses in them, a dark brown ribbon tied around the middle. The jars lay at the ends of the pews on both sides, to the stone aisle, which had rose petals strewn over it, courtesy of Lilly.

By the time that I re-focused on the events happening in front of me, all nine of the women clothed in dresses the same colour as Lilly’s had lined up across the raised stone platform from me holding bouquets of roses, leaving only one space in the middle. The music that the organist was playing suddenly changed, and I knew this was the moment. The dark wooden doors at the back of the church, which had swung shut after the final woman was out, now swung open revealing a breath taking sight.

Delilah stood there looking as beautiful as ever. Her gown was pure white, and I couldn’t tell you much other than what I had caught on from her flurry of words when she had first bought it; something about “princess style” and a “sweetheart neckline”. It was strapless, with the whole bustier area dotted with jewels, maybe diamonds. To be honest, I knew nothing apart from the fact that she looked absolutely stunning.

She begins to walk down the aisle slowly, her arm intertwined her fathers. Her satin-looking white heels became a little visible every time she took a step. She looked up, smiling directly at me, and every thought that I had had abut jumping out the window vanished out of my mind. She reached the end of the aisle, and kisses the cheek of her father, who goes to sit down in the front pew. She then steps up onto the platform, joining me. I lift her veil from her face, the delicate material feeling weird in my hands. I flip it over her head, careful of her intricate-looking up-do. She smiles at me again, her soft pink lips parting to reveal her white teeth.

I smile back down at her, and look out to the sea of faces for a moment again, taking it all in. The setting sun outside casts a soft pink-red glow over the crowd, and I couldn’t picture a better time or place to be right now.

The preacher begins to talk as we both turn to face him. The ceremony wasn’t terribly long, no more than an hour I’d say. We had written our own vows, which went well, and on top of that not only had the flower girl and ring bearer behaved perfectly, but also all the small children in the audience. We had written our own vows, and worked a few of the normal ones in with it. Throughout it, if either Delilah or I could see the other getting nervous, we would reach over, taking the other’s hand as a sign of moral support.

“You may now kiss the bride.” These had been the words I had been longing for all day. Delilah and I had practiced what our first kiss would be like, as she was wearing six-inch heels and didn’t want any surprises that would result in her falling over and landing on her behind. Her sister-in-law had walked in on us once about two weeks ago, and we hadn’t heard the end of how big of dorks we were since.

I turn to her, wrapping my arm around her lower back as I dip her slightly, pressing my lips to her. I hear the photographer snapping pictures nearby, as well as many female-and a few male- voices cooing in the crowd. It felt incredible.

We both stood back up, her heels making her nearly the same height as me. She took her bouquet back from her maid of honour, and we take each other’s hands, lacing our fingers together as we walk down the aisle, both wearing grins so big that our faces may split in half. Everyone claps for us as we open the stone doors, revealing the sunset, along with a few people who were lining the path leading away from the church. As we pass them, they throw confetti up into the air, making arches over our head that quickly flutter down to the ground, landing on the dirt.

“We’re married now.” I whisper to Delilah, who turns to face me, an incredibly large smile on her face.

“I know” she squeals, leaning in and pecking me on the lips again. Everyone “aww” s again, and I know now that I’ve made the right choice. This is my happily ever after.

Our happily ever after.


V v important please read if you want to know what’s going on

A/N: All right, so all you lovely people are in for a surprise actually. You’re getting alternate endings. Surprise! But basically, I have one ending that I’ve had planned since the beginning of the book, and then I have one which I thought of today and was like “holy shit I should do that” the first one will be the one that I’ve had planned since the beginning, and be warned that it will be a hell-of-a lot happier. 

Also, if you want to get a dedication for this, pm me with songs for the soundtrack. I'll also follow you. 

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