Part 6

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Zosia's PoV

Ever since her kissed me, it's been awkward.
The last two days have been fun though!
Dom and I went on the second Dingo Dollar and won brownies whilst Mo went to the Bushtucker and got 5 stars. We were hungry but it wasn't too bad as it was croc feet...
Anyway yesterday Ollie and Raf did the Dingo Dollar challenge and much to Raf's anger, we got the question wrong and lost the hot chocolates.
Oops, that might have been my fault.
I braved the Bush Tucker and got a full house! 8 stars! I think I redeemed myself from the loss of hot choccies and replaced it with Deer.
It went down a storm, thanks to Arthur and Mo.
Arthur has gone to do the Bushtucker and we are deciding on the Dingo Dollar people.
Raf wasn't up for it after his last attempt, Dom had to clean the camp, Mo has a bad back and Cara is cleaning clothes so it's between Morvern, Ollie and I.
Morvern wants to do it with Arthur and says no to the offer.
Nothing more is said about it as Ollie and I didn't want to do it together.
It would be too awkward.
'Um hello. Valentine, Selfie J. On your bikes.'
Ollie laughs and gathers his rucksack components and waits for me.
I reluctantly pull on my jacket before sliding my bag on one shoulder.
We leave camp waved off by the others.
The whole way there we almost don't speak.
We are going to across the bridge and the wood plank I stand on rocks back and my ankle slides forward into the gap.
I squeal loudly.
He turns around and I give him the look as if to say 'what do you want'
He rolls his eyes and carries on.
My foot gets stuck in the rope.
'O-' I restrict myself from calling him for help.
Pfft. I don't need him.
'Shoot!' I shout.
He turns around and runs back to where I am.
'I don't need your help.' I gasp, in moderate pain.
He pulls me shoe and sock off.
I want him to stop but he won't.
He reveals my blue swollen ankle.
'Can you walk on it?' He asks.
'Well I don't know. If you let me stand up I could try.' I hiss.
His eyes look hurt.
I stand up, grab my shoe and sock and limp forward.
'Fine!' I smile, limping over the rest of the bridge.
At the end I see Ollie come over to me.
'Look Zosia. When we kissed, I don't know why I did it. I'm sorry.' He sighs.
I look into his eyes. His big, blue, mushy eyes.
I yank my sock and tie my laces on my jungle shoes before waking off.
He follows me.
I stop and turn to face him.
'I'm sorry too. For being distant. I know you were just trying to help me.'
I know I have feelings for him.
I have for ages.
'Friends?' He smiles.
'Yeah.' I smile back.
I guess friends will have to do for now.
Ollie's PoV

We're walking to the outback shack.
We inform Keith that we want cheese boards.
He asks our fellow campers a question.
The ends the call and slams the shack cover down.
'Noo!' Zosia cries.
'Oh well.' I sigh. 'I had fun.'
'Same.' She smiles.
We'd just had to work out these riddles and find the answers in jelly filled pots.
We chucked jelly on each other.
A lot.
We're laughing and chatting on the way back, not even acknowledging the fact that we'd not won anything.
We walk back into camp.
'Did we get it right?' Morvern cries.
'No.' Zosia tells her, still in deep conversation with me.
As the evening goes on Zosia and I are getting closer.
'Food glorious food!' Dom sings as Arthur's well earnt 7 stars come down in the form of Wallabe Sausages.
Morvern keeps gloating about how good he was.
No one cares though.
We are too hungry and tired.
It's getting late and Morvern runs down to get the mail.
'Tomorrow is the day the first camper will leave The Woods. Guy and Serena will be here at the crack of dawn to say farewell to one camp mate! Enjoy your last night as 8.'
The camp goes silent.
No one wants to leave first.
Raf and Cara are sat on Cara's bed together, Morvern and Arthur are snuggled by the fire with Dom, Mo is asleep and Zosia is asleep in my arms on her bed.
I carefully rest her head down and go over to my hammock.
'Night Ollie.' I hear her faint voice say.
'Night.' I smile to myself.
Maybe friends doesn't quite cut it.


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