Part 30

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Ollie's POV
I wait anxiously. Surely they wouldn't put me as the extreme heights because of my heart or the eating challenge as I have underlying allergies. Surely? This thing must be rigged..
'Looks like your doing the Extreme heights.' Guy smiles.
'I I can't. My heart...' They both look at me.
'Oh yes. Heart condition.' Serena nods to Guy then glances at me with a smile.
I stand there akwardly.
'Are you going to spin again?' I encourage Guy.
'Hang on we are just going through your medical form.' Guy shouts.
'Hmm the extreme heights could trigger something so that's a no.' Serena murmurs.
'Hmm yes.' One crew member nodded.
'Any allergies?' Guy shouts to me before joining his posse and discussing.
'Um I've had some underlying allergies in the past that didn't come up on tests.' I reply.
They all nod and configure.
'Better off not risking anything, we can't deal with any suing people have already complained about how we speak too much Doctor 'gobbletygoop'. ' Serena agrees.
'Right Oliver.' Guy starts. 'High Ropes it is.' He smiles, eerily.
I am having a quick safety brief off camera and am slotted into a harness.
'Right. You will have 10 minutes to finish the action packed course. Ready?' Serena instructs me.
I nod.

Ok I know it's tiny sorry :(
I've not been getting many views recently and I'm not really motivated anymore to update.
So I've decided to do a little competition kinda thing.
Whoever reads the most chapters of ANY of my books (give a recommend star to show you read it) added to who gives the most comments gets a whole of their story oread and recommended by me with comments of what I think on most chapters.
Every single entry will get 10 recommend stars and at least one comment X
(10 notifications from you - entry)
There might be some extra second/third prizes too. :)
Just by starring 10 chapters I will return + comments.
Please please please enter guys I feel like no one likes my stories anymore :(
Ly X

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