Part 35

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Zosia's POV

I purse my lips and breathe out.
'I'm so, stuffed.' I whine.
I look at Dom and I think he's about to throw up.
'I'll be back.' I says, running of behind the bush.
I wrinkle my nose thinking about throwing up myself but I don't feel that bad.
Ollie is sat opposite me rubbing his temples.
'I couldn't even finish my pudding.' He chuckles.
I smile. 'Neither. Want mine?' I joke, shoving my sickening bowl over.
He shakes his head.
'I need to lie down.' I laugh.
'Same.' He agrees and we walk over to the main camp area and I lie down and start to read my book.

Ollie's POV

Zosia is reading and Dom is asleep and I seriously don't think he's ok, he's thrown up three times.
'I hope Dom's ok.' Zosia sighs, chucking her book down.
I nod.
'Feeling any better?'
'One hundred percent. You?' She smiles.
'Same.' I smile back.
We small talk for a while before Guy walks into the camp.
'Ah campers.' He says.
He looks over at Dom. 'Well I guess not everyone enjoyed their meal?'
We don't reply.
'Anyway, there is a shock elimination.' He smiles.
'When?' Zosia frowns.
A few more camera men come in with Serena and Dom is forced up.
'Zosia, it's might be you!' I see her smile drop a bit.
'Ollie. It's not you.' I take a sigh of relief. It could be me and Zosia left.
'So Dom, it could be you.' Serena tells him.
We wait anxiously.
'The person who came in third place is.. Dom.'
I smile at Zosia and both of them seem delighted.
Dom wanted to get out asap and Zosia didn't want to leave.
'Please pack your stuff as quickly as you can and meet us up at the exit. Congratulations on getting so far.' Serena says, leaving with Guy and extra cameras.

Zosia's POV

'So I guess it's just us.' I smile, walking over to join Ollie on his bed as he sits up.
I plonk myself opposite him and place my hands inside his.
'As happy as I am that were the final two, I kind of wish we could go home.' He sighs.
'Same. But this has been so fun.' I reply.
'So. What happens when we leave?' He says, catching my eye.
I shrug. 'I guess we carry on with work and see what happens.' I say.
He nods. 'Let's take it slow when we get out though.'
I smile. I do agree with Ollie but we haven't really been that slow in here.
'It's getting pretty late, I think I'm gonna catch some sleep.' He tells me, stretching his arms up and lying down.
'Ok. Night.' I say, walking over to my bed.
I look up into the dark night sky.
Things will certainly be different when we get out, and I'm not sure if it's for the best.

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