Part 21

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Zosia's POV

We sprint towards the markers.
I smile.
'No sign of them!' I say.
'Let's be quick then.' He quickly says, grabbing the blue note.
'You must get a fox, rabbit and corn across the river - only two are allowed at a time. Fox eats bunny, bunny eats corn. Fox DOES NOT eat corn.' He reads.
'Go now, quickly.' I say chucking him the cardboard bunny.
He paddles across and returns bunny-less.
'Take the corn.' I say handing him another cut out. 'And bring the bunny back.'
He does what I say, drops the corn off and picks up the bunny.
As he's paddling back Dom looks at Raf in horror. 'We still have a chance?' He says.
Rad nods.
'Quick Ollie!' I smirk.
He returns with the bunny.
'Now take the Fox over, asap.' I order.
He tiredly nods and once again crosses the river, dropping off the fox.
'Almost done!' I shout encouragingly.
Dom and Raf have got the bunny over and are grabbing the corn.
Ollie returns and I hop on with him with the bunny yet again.
Raf drops the bunny off and carries the fox over.
'Come on Raf we can do this!' Dom prays.
But it's too late, Ollie and I hear a bell sound and blue light floods the clear out.
'Yes!' I exclaim, before I am captured in Ollie's tired, yet strong arms.
'Oh for gods sake.' I hear Dom moan chucking the fox into the water.
I laugh and wave goodbye to our unlucky friends.
'Right! Let's get to this luxury apartment!' Ollie laughs.
We walk for a while before a big white sign pops out infront of us.
'Woodchuck House.' I read 'Sounds nice.'
We walk into the apartment and are greeted by Serena, a glass of bubbly, towels and directions to the hot tub.
'Wow.' I say, taking everything in.
'Congratulations on winning the first challenge!' Serena beams, 'Don't party to hard though as your next challenge starts tomorrow 9am sharp!' She laughs leaving us and 4 waiters to our private apartment. Add about 10 camera crew.
I hop into the bathroom and change into my white strapless bikini and redo my hair into a bun.
Ollie greets me outside in some black swim shorts.
We climb into the hot tub and sip on our expensive tasting bubbly.
'I've missed this!' I say over the raging steamy bubbles.
Ollie laughs. 'I forgot what champagne tasted like.' He sighs.
'We've been in here for over 2 weeks.' I say, reflecting over our time.
'Yeah, wow.' He realises.
'So, are you tired after today?' I ask him.
'Me? No. It's not like I had to paddle across a 50m lake about 5 times.' I smirk.
I hit him playfully on the arm.
Jesus his muscles are big.
'Are you a limpet?' He asks curiously.
I look at him confused.
Then I realise my hand is stuck onto his biceps and remove it embarrassed.
He laughs.
'Sorry.' I blurt out.
'Don't worry.. we are together aren't we?' He says.
Somehow I forgot.
Don't ask me how I just did.
We hadn't dated for the whole time we'd known eachother but I didn't feel any different when we did.
'Ye-yes yes of course! Why wouldn't we?' I says
'No reason.' He replies.
I start to close my eyes.
Suddenly I feel a comforting arm around my neck.
'Zosia you aren't asleep are you?' He laughs.
'No!' I protest, splashing a bit of water into his smart ass face.
'Ok OK calm down, no need for childish behaviour.' He laughs, teasing me.
I splash him again.
I am about to say something but he stops me but putting his finger against my lip.
'Shhhh.' He hushes me.
I start to hit against his finger until he takes it back and I almost fall face first into the water.
But instead I fall right into his opposite shoulder.
He places both hands on my shoulders an squares me up.
'Steady on tiger.' He tells me.
As always it happens all over again.
My eyes are dragged into the baby blue holes and I am lost again.
My head spins around and I feel incredibly dizzy.
But everything stops to a hault when his lips collide into mine like a comet at full speed.
He takes me out of this world.

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