Part 28

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Dom's POV

I must have fallen asleep because it seems it's the next morning.
'I swear this is the camp...' I mumble, looking around the empty camp.
I shrug and decide to walk around.
'Hang on.. Zosia's jacket?'

Zosia's POV

I wake up clasped in Ollie's arms, looking into the blazing sun.
'Ollie.' I whisper, tapping him.
'Hmmmm..' He mumbles.
I smile.
'We need to head back to camp.' I say.
He nods.
I laugh and get up.
We did even bring anything to pack up so I wonder around.
'I wonder why there's a hole there.' I say to myself.
'Same.' Ollie says behind me, making me jump.
'Ah morning, you eventually woke up then.'
'Yes, so we could go..' He says signalling towards the path we took last night.
I roll my eyes and follow him out of our nights stay.

Dom's POV

Was Zosia here? If she was where is she now?
I have to find her.

Ollie's POV

'There's the lake!' she squeals.
'Calm down, we could still go the wrong way again.' I say.
'We won't this time, besides, I know the way.' She smirks.
'And I didn't?' I scoff.
'No.' She laughs.
I shake my head.
'Right so which way then.' I ask her.
'We arrived at this part of the lake so there.' She says, pointing to the 3rd path along.
'Ok.' I say, following her.
'This does look familiar.' She confidently smiles.

Dom's POV

I run towards the lake - they must have gone there.
As I arrive I see a path next to the other side of the lake.
'Grrr Zosia you will re pay me.' I snarl, jumping into the freezing water.
As I paddle I hear some play fight take place near me.
'Zosia?' I shout.

Zosia's POV

'What Ollie.' I say.
'I didn't say anything.. I swear!' He protests.
I run back towards the lake.
'Dom?' I say, spotting a Dom like species in the water.
Defiantly Dom - angry look on his face, splashing around.
'Dom!' I say.
He spots me and sighs. 'Where were you?'
'We went the wrong way back to camp and ended up spending the night in a different camp.'
As I speak Ollie enters the lake area.
'Which way actually is camp?' Ollie laughs.
Dom points across the other side of the lake.
'We must have made our way over to this side.' I sigh.
'Is there no way around then.' I say as I see Dom in the water.
'Yes, just here.' Ollie smiles, directing me around the lake.
'See you back at camp.' I apologetically laugh to Dom.
'Looks like you were wrong.' He smirks.
'Well you didn't say anything.' I fight.
He smiles and I slip my hand into his.
'Hopefully we will arrive at our camp.' I sigh.
'Why. Last night was great.' He teases.
'For you maybe, I fell down a hole and..'
'Got rescued by your hero boyfriend.'
Boyfriend? I guess I never thought about that.
I smile. 'Yes that, then I shared an undersized hammock with my boyfriend and froze to death. Great night.' I laugh.
I accept his offer to kiss me and we walk back to camp hand in hand.

Sorry for the lack of updates, please comment what you think!
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