Meeting him

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Welcome to my Minecraft diaries story. This one will not be centered around Aphmau, but around you my friend. You and Zane are indeed the two main characters. This story uses words referring to yourself and what not. Don't like, don't read, don't hate. So without further ado, I present to you, Minecraft Diaries; Changed

Your POV

My (h/l) (h/c) hair blew in the wind. I was walking down one of the paths of O'khasis. My (f/c) tunic and black pants weren't enough to keep me warm. I shivered as I sashayed to my house, like I was sassy, but I really had the grace of a blind llama. After a while, I reached my place. It was pitch black inside. I lit a torch and the room lit up. I hung it on my living room wall. Well, it was more of my living room and kitchen, and dining room. My room was separated from the living room. I walked into my room and smiled. The moonlight illuminated the room with a soft glow. A beautiful glow. My eyes instantly relaxed. I walked over to my small bed. It was just big enough to fit me. Crashing face first into the bed, I fell sound asleep. After all, I had to go find a job somewhere. Maybe a guard, maybe an apprentice, maybe even a baker. I just needed to do something to support my mother and father. As old as they are, they can't work for themselves anymore. "Irene give me strength," I muttered as I let myself slip into the world of dreams.

The next day I woke up, determined. My hair was everywhere, giving me the impression of being untamed. I grabbed a (brush/comb) [whichever you use] and began to fix my hair. After all, who wants an untamed woman who looks like she has no home training? I hurried up and got dressed for the day.

My (h/c) looked decent as I strolled into along the dirt paths of O'Khasis. A random guard ran past and knocked me to the ground. "Ow," I grunted as I sighed.
"How unfortunate. You must forgive that guard," someone wearing a mask over his face said to me. He had jet black hair and one visible blue eye. He extended a hand to help pull me up. "Thank you," I whispered, "Hi, my name is (F/N) (L/N). Do you know any occupations available for me to work at?" He seemed to think. His sky blue eyes clouded with thought. "Maybe, it depends, what are you willing to do?"
"Anything but prostitution." I couldn't tell if he was amused or not, but I would go with no.
"Well, M'lady, how good are you with a sword and traveling?" My eyes perked open wider and I smirked.
"Here, fight this guard. But not to the death," the man said as he passed me a heavy diamond sword. I fumbled for a brief second then proceeded to hold it steady. This guard was at least a foot taller than me and he was way more buff than me. "Go." The guard rushed at me and I blocked and swung and used the flat of my blade to hit him in the stomach. He snarled and charged at me again, this time I dodged and hit him again with the flat of my sword, this time on his back, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. I put a foot on his back. I heard slow clapping behind me and I turned to see him looking at me again. Slight amazement in his eyes. "Good job," he complimented.

"Thank y-" the guard got up causing me to tumble to the ground. I immediately got back up and kicked him in the crotch hard. He fell back to the ground. "As I was saying," I turned my head to the guard who was rolling around clutching himself in pain then turned back, "thank you, sir."
"That's right, I neglected to introduce myself. My name is Zane Ro'Meave, the high priest of the faith of lady Irene and the second son of lord Garte." I instantly felt my face heat up and I bowed slightly. "Ugh, no need for that," he said frustratedly, "you didn't do it before you knew who I was, so don't do it now."

"But anyways, you pass my first test. Now for the second."

"Now, I'm going to knock you out. It might hurt, but your objective will be clear." PACHOW! (10/10 sound effect) I was on the ground loosing consciousness.

My eyes fluttered open at a loud sound. I was in a room with dim lighting and I was tied to a wooden chair. I stood up and sat back down as hard as I could, causing the chair to break and the rope to fall off. I scanned the room for a way out. I saw one above me. I used the rope and made a lasso. I threw one end and it caught a little piece above the door. I tightened the loop and began to pull myself up to the door. I was dangling in front of the door. There was no platform, so I had to use one hand to open the door, in the process I swung to the back of the door, so I could not get in which caused me to scream because I could swear the piece was coming loose, and tossed myself outside. I landed on a balcony. I walked to the edge and Zane was standing below. He had his visible eyebrow arched. "You know there was a door down there right?" He yelled up to me.
"No sir," I responded.
"Well, you've passed my main tests. You will be accompanying me on my endeavors for a while."


Thanks for reading my dear readers and see you in the next chapter!

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