That Can't stop me from loving her

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~Your POV~

Zane looked so deep in thought. His blue eye was closed, and I took in the sight. He started to look troubled all of a sudden. He must have some pretty deep stuff going on inside. I shuffled a bit closer and his eyes opened. "What are you doing?" He looked at me sternly.

"Worrying for your mental health."

With that he turned and embraced me. I was shocked. Slowly my trembling arms wrapped around him, slightly terrified. He then looked down at me from the hug, "Don't worry about me. That's how you'll get killed."
"How if I might ask?" I tilted my head to the side.

"MISS (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!"

"You may jump infront of a blade. And that my dear, would lead to your demise."
"But why would I do it?"
"Reasons," at that he opened the doors and I walked into the room right behind him. He gestured to a seat in between a girl with pretty blue hair and blue eyes and a man with brown hair and green eyes. I went and took a seat awkwardly. I looked down as I felt one's eyes peirce my presence. "Who the hell are you?"
"Kaitlyn, be nice. I think he really prefers this one." The mans voice was alright. But he wasn't my type. At all. "Ay, you. Yeah you. New girl. My name is Jeoffory, Jeoffory the Golden Heart. What's yours?"
"My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) the, Intelligent Striker." I looked him in his green eyes. They reminded me of emeralds. But they did not compare to Zane's visible eye. In no way would they ever.

"Now, I'm sure each one of you know who my brother is. Incase you are an uneducated dunce, his name is Garroth Ro'Meave. He is the first born. He was supposed to marry the first born child of the lord of Scaleswind. Again, incase you are a dunce, her name is Nicole. Nicole and Garroth are alive contrary to popular belief." I widened my eyes, Garroth, Nicole, alive? Garroth used to be my best friend ever! and Nicole used to help me train to fight. The fact they both could be alive made my heart flutter. "We will be splitting up in groups to go find them. Jeoffory, Annie, Patty, Elizabeth, you are to search the Tu'La."
"On it boss!" Jeoffory chirped.
"Kaitlyn, Levi, Liz, Ciel, you are to search all of the large villages."
everyone ran off, except for me and Zane. He looked down at me. "Oh yes, you feel left out don't you?" I nodded and he smirked. "Don't worry, you get the best position of them all, you get to travel with me." My eyes lit up in excitement. I was traveling with Zane? I didn't think my heart could take that! "O-okay sir!" He narrowed his eye at me.
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, okay Zane." He smirked and grabbed my by the wrist. I knew just by the way he assigned everything something big was in store, or, he had a bigger scheme behind all of this. I'm just trying to figure out what. Oh Zane, how you play with my emotions. You handsome man.

~Zane's POV~

I smiled to myself when (Y/N) called me Zane. One step closer to making her mine. GAH!!!!! WHAT AM I THINKING!!?? I cannot allow myself to become weak because of this woman. "Um, Zane, do you let anyone else call you Zane when you are alone with them," (Y/N) asked quietly.

"No I do not. You are special though. Don't ask why, you just are." She seemed satisfied with that answer and was quiet, giving me the right noise to think. I will find Irene's amulet along with Garroth and Nicole. It is a must. It hurts hiding things from the girl that you love, but it is only to protect her. I hope she would understand. When me were just tots, I would look at her through the palace window. She would always smile and wave at me. I was doing this for her. More power meant more security for her. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and steal her away from the world, but that'll never happen. Even though I caress her face from time to time, I think that the only reason she lets me is because she is scared of me. And that's god awful. I felt my cheeks heat up as I thought about my future with this woman. one kid, a nice house. A great peaceful life. Sadly, I am aware that that will never happen.

But that cant stop me from loving her.

I could barly picture it. I could taste it on my tounge Mrs. (Y/N) Ro'Meave.

I'm Zane, the high priest of O'Khasis. I can do and have whatever I want. Except her. And that's enough to make me wanna cry outloud instead of inside myself. Let everyone hear my pain and suffering. Maybe then she could see how much I truly care for her. Maybe then we could have a future together with seventeen kids (oh god!). I could just picture her on our wedding day with a lavish dre-


~Your POV~

Like always that Zane Ro'Meave was deep in thought. I walked out of the room quietly as not to disturb him. The hallways were quiet. Like, death quiet. I went right and walked down the hall a bit. I saw (F/C) roses in a vase. They were gorgeous. I loved the shade as well.

~Flashback You, age 9~

I heard glass break in the front room. "You whore! So you're just going to get with every man in the village aren't you?!"

"No, Jonothan, I swear!" I heard the sound of skin to skin contact. A small yelp followed. Then, all I could hear was the thump of my father's fists against my mom. At the time, I had no clue he was beating her to death. I really didn't. I looked outside my room window to find a blooming (F/C) rose.

I could remember the final scream of my dead mother as I looked at that flower. And I remember whisps of the momories of my dad bringing home another woman I was to call mom.

~Zanes POV~

I heard a scream of agony from the hall. I got out of my daydreaming state as I pulled out my sword and dashed to where the commotion was. All I saw was the case with the (F/C) rose inside tipped over and (Y/N) sitting on the floor curled up in the fetal position. Crying. "What's wrong?" I asked as I sheathed my blade and put it across my back.

Then she told me the story

I was soon after on the ground trying to console her, not caring about how showing emotion would affect her. I just needed her to know someone was there for her. And I was that someone. I once again cupped her face and said, "(Y/N), I'm always here for you, just know that my dear. I'll always be here." I lowered my mast and cuddled with her, just because she needed me.

Just like I need her.

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