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Here we are! Welcome to my Zane x Reader Changed add on!! I don't really know what to say except fasten your seatbelts, keep all hands, feet and objects inside of the fandom and sit tight. Shipping is allowed and if you have a fear of angst, I suggest you leave.

~No POV~
Phoenix Drop was more lively than normal. Everyone was cheerful and excited at the return of those who had went missing. Kawaii~Chan was baking cakes for everyone, meanwhile, our hero Y/N looked as dazed as ever. She stood in her old house, eyes wandering. She looked around. Not much was there. She climbed the stairs and went into her and Zane's old bedroom. The room was exactly how she left it. She touched the bed and started coughing, for the bed was covered with dust. "Damn, did no one go in here?"
"No, we didn't." Y/N jumped at the sudden noise and turned to her daugher, Lira. "Jesus, don't scare me like that!" Y/N scolded. Lira giggled in response and clutched the book under her arm tighter. "I made sure to keep this room just the way you left it." Lira made an advance towards her mother, "Mom, we missed you so much. And dad...." She bit her lip.
"Zane, oh Zane..." Y/N looked away and almost began to cry. Lira put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll get him out mom."
"What if we can't, I don't think you understand Lira. You don't truly understand how much I love your father, do you?"
"Mom I do-"
"No, you really don't. The pain of losing somekne, losing the man who you love, not knowing if he's okay or not, or if he's coming out, it's way too difficult for-"
"Mom. We lost him too. Longer than you have, probably longer than you've known him due to this time change." Y/N's eyes went wide and her lips twitched. "Now now," Lira began quickly, "I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but the very very first step we can take is being calm on the matter. I'm sure that's what he'd want you to do." Y/N was silent as she looked Lira in her eyes. Y/N began to cry a little, missing Zane. It had only been a few days, but she knew she wouldn't see him for a long time. Lira wrapped her arms around her mother in an embrace. "Don't worry, Mommy, we'll get him back." Lira smiled a little as she turned around and left. Y/N was left alone. Just her, and her grief over her almost lost lover. She, almost in a daze, sauntered around the house. Her (H/C) hair moving as she did. She walked into his office and sat in the old chair. It creaked at her weight, which it hasn't felt any in sixteen years, but stayed sturdy. She opened his top drawer and the first thing she saw was that same tattered notebook that she had seen when they had first gotten together. If it looked bad then, it certainly didn't look much better now. The leather was peeling off, depressingly. Y/N gingerly opened the book. She gently turned to the last few pages, surprisingly, they were filled with her name written over and over again, but instead, they read 'F/N Ro'Meave'. She turned to the very last page and smiled softly. It was an entry from Zane about his 'hero' of a soon to be wife. A few tears fell down her cheeks as she gently closed the notebook and put it back in the drawer. There was another one, in much better shape inside. She also picked that one up gently and opened to the first page. It was a list. As she read down, she realized they were all things she liked. She flipped to the next page and saw sweet words from her dear fiancé.

Y/N sighed as she began to tremble, looking through their stuff that somehow survived these sixteen years and almost cried. "How did it end up like this?" She whispered, hands trembling. Tears again fell down her face as she let out room trembling sobs. Her cries bubbles out of her throat one after the other as she found herself holding a precious necklace in her grasp. Y/N looked at her engagement ring and almost started crying again. Who was she anymore?

Y/N had requested a meeting with Levin and Aphmau. "Okay guys, I have to say this." Y/N looked into the faces of Levin and Aphmau, took a deep breath then admitted, "I want to go out, adventuring. I need to find Zane. I need answers on, whatever the hell this relic is." Aphmau looked at me again, reminding me of the way she looked at me, when we first became friends. Like she had found someone who understood her. "I'd love for you to go! It's been great!" She said with excited, authentic cheer in her voice.
"I feel it'd be highly beneficial for not only you, but a learning opportunity. Take whomever you please, build your posse. Once you have everyone assembled, come to me," Levin directed me, and in such a formal maner.
"Thank you! I won't let you down!"

"Y/N," Zane called as he walked over to where she was. He smiled a little when he saw the woman standing on the beach of Phoenix Drop, her hair being moved behind her ears by the wind. "Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you all over."
"You never listen to me do you?" She asked him, her head slightly tilted. Zane paid no attention to her frustration, only her pretty lips. He looked up slightly into her eyes, the magnificent orbs were ever so clear to peer into. "I'm proud to call you mine," Zane told her as he looked into her eyes and got close. He put his large hand onto her cheek and smiled at her.

If you couldn't tell by this chapter, this section of the book won't be as happy and lighthearted as the first one, much like the Diaries series change. There will be a lot of 'angst' here like there was in the second season, but I'll try not to be so heavy-handed with it next time.

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