Forest of truth PT. 4

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I looked at Zane, surprised. "What do you mean 'Jealousy'?"

"What I mean is since the very first time I've laid eyes on you I've been in love with you. I want you to be mine, my (Y/N). I don't want anyone to have you. (Y/N), I-I love you," Zane admitted while his face turned red.

"Zane, I have feelings for you too, but don't you think we should keep our relationship professional? What if someone finds ou-'

"I don't care, let them know. Let the world know that you're my (Y/N), and mine only," Zane interrupted as he began to caress my face. I sighed softly.

"Zane, you have no clue how dangerous this is fo-"

"I do know the risk, and quite frankly I'm willing to take them. (Y/N), I'd yell it to anyone. I. Love. You." Zane kissed my lips tenderly, causing my face to burn. His lips were soft and cold. My own were quite warm. The tender kiss became more passionate and Zane wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me up. We parted ways and I looked him in his powder blue eyes. "Zane," I breathed speechlessly. "Oh shut up, that's not all I have in mind for you, (Y/N)."

I woke up the next morning sore with Zane right beside me in what was called the farm house. I let out a small yawn and I heard a yawn in response, "Good morning (Y/N). How'd you like my massage (I know that's not what you all were thinking. Tis why I did that) my love?"
"It left me a bit sore to be honest," I admitted sheepishly. Zane chuckled and wrapped one of his arms around me and got closer to me. he nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck and I sighed. I could honestly spend every last second of my life like this. Then all of a sudden there was a loud banging at the door. I practically jumped out of my skin but Zane immediately got out of bed and opened the door. Kiki was standing there, "Hiya Zane!" She saw me and I saw her demeanor change slightly, "Oh, she's here."
Quickly, Zane jumped to my defense, "Of course she is, and SHE has a name. It's (Y/N)." He put a hand on his hip. I instantly almost hid under the covers once I realized he was only in a pair of white boxers. I knew what Kiki thought happened. "Now, I have a wonderful woman behind me who I need to make feel loved. So if you'll excuse me."
"Oh, not a problem, sir!" Kiki chirped as she ran off, no doubt to tell Aphmau what she thought she saw. I was so embarrassed. "ZANE DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?!" I hissed at him.
"Yes, and she can think that's what we were doing so long as she leaves us alone." He climbed back into bed and under the blankets. He wrapped both arms around me and got as close as possible. His strong arms made me feel safe. He smelled like vanilla and sugar. He was the best man in the world to me. I was definitely in love with Zane Ro'Meave.

I walked out into Phoenix Drop and got looks from certain people. I just looked down and headed to the plaza. Zane had told me to meet him there. Waiting there was a checkered (Favorite Color) and white blanket. Zane was sitting there with a basket, no doubt full of food. "(Y/N), over here!" I walked to the blanket and he looked up and smiled at me. "Come sit." I did as he said and sat next to him on the blanket. He grinned at me and I leaned on his shoulder.


I watched (Y/N) lean on Zane's shoulder. Wasn't she his guard? And who do they think they are taking up MY plaza. I walked to my house and to the basement. I saw Zoey holding Levin, and I smiled. "Hey, Zoey. How's Levin?"
"A bit fussy. Would you like to take him out for some fresh air?" She kindly asked. I nodded and she passed me Levin.
Levin began toddling to the plaza with me not to far behind, afraid that he would ruin Zane and his guard's picnic. He got a bit to close for comfort and I picked him up before he could get any farther. "Oh, hello Lord Aphmau. I see you have a lovely son," Zane greeted.
"I do, his name is Levin." I felt slightly uncomfortable talking to him about this, considering I got some bad vibes from this guy. Heck, Kiki told me he was sleeping with his guard! "Well, he's a cutie pie, isn't he (Y/N)?" She looked away and she looked slightly embarrassed. That's what she gets for being such a sl- oh wait. That may not be the case. 'I should talk to herr when she's alone' I thought to myself.


(Y/N) seemed uncomfortable about something. Her (S/C) cheeks were burning red. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"
"I think someone's been spreading rumors about me," She whispered in a hushed tone. I felt a slight bit of guilt. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "(Y/N), that's preposterous. Why would anyone ever say anything bad about you?" She looked up at the beautiful powdeblue sky. A color that reminded my own eyecolor. I looked over at (Y/N) who was starting to tear up, "I-I don't know, it's just," she stopped in the middle of her sentence and hid her face with her hand. She started crying. Quickly I pulled her into a hug. "Hey, what's with the tears?"
"Zane, since when were you ever this nice to anyone? And why of all people me?" I sighed softly.
"I don't know, I really don't."

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