Bring it on in guys!

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Here we are! Doing something that I've wanted to do since I started writing this! Also, in one of the earlier chapters, there was some words there that may or may not come into play here. Due for serious edits later.

"Garroth?" I asked as I knocked on his door. He opened his door from the place where he stayed. He looked down at me and smiled a bit. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure, you're always welcome here."
"We need to talk," I said quietly.
"Sure anything for you."
I ended up falling asleep in Garroth's house on the couch. I woke up sore and oddly tired. "Y/N, what the absolute hell," I heard a familiar voice call. I looked up and saw my black haired fiance standing over me with an upset look on his face. Also, I noticed he was as pale as wax and through his apparent anger I could see the look of fear and concern in his eyes. "Zane? What's wro-" As I said that I sat up and started hissing in pain. There were several cuts on my arms and legs, somehow my dress, which I personally didn't like wearing, was hitched up to just below my womanly area. "Who did this and where is Garroth?!" Zane asked, his eyes full of anger and malice. "I swear I'll rip him apart!" My eyes started to water, I knew Garroth didn't do this. He couldn't do this. No no no. NO! "HE DIDN'T DO IT!" I screamed at Zane, half in disbelief and half distraught. "THIS ISN'T SOMETHING HE WOULD DO!"
"Y/N, you may be a little shocked but, you're in his house," Zane said softly, "I'm sorry for getting loud it probably startled you."
"I may be in his house, but he didn't do it," I sobbed forcefully, "He'd never, he wouldn't, he didn't." I tried to stand up, but my legs were feebly and my lady areas were slightly sore and I fell to my knees. "HE DIDN'T DO IT ZANE I KNOW HE DIDN'T!" At this point I was practically convincing myself. I got up and practically waddled around the house looking for any signs. Then I noticed something. As I went into his room I saw a picture of him and my children, but Garroth's face was scratched out. I looked around more and saw that his chair was knocked over and that caused me, despite the pain, to run to the hall. I looked at the ground and saw crusty, red stuff on the carpet. Blood. And it wasn't from me, it would have been fresh. The blood looked like it had been shed a few hours ago. I followed the trail and noticed how much larger the dry puddles were, and with wide eyes, I aproached Zane who was standing at the largest puddle. The path lead me into the kitchen where a window had been broken and some blood was there. "I think- I'm gonna- hurl," I said between breaths. So someone had gotten in, harmed me, went looking for Garroth, and took him. "Y/N, I think I'm starting to believe you," Zane whispered, sounding a little salty. "If I'm right then we have to go find him! We just have to, we need to."
"So it is true. After all these years, I was right. You do love Garroth, huh?" Zane asked, sounding a little upset, "YOU'D NEVER ACT THIS WAS FOR ME! YOU DON'T GET AS CONCERNED FOR ME! Y/N, HOW DAMN LONG DID YOU THINK YOU COULD BLIND ME WITH YOUR LIES?!" Zane started yelling. I cringed back and went to step away but fell over. "Zane, yes I do love him, he's basically my brother. And I'm not into that incest shit. Get yourself together," I scolded, "Also, you've never been in these situations and I've never had to worry about that happening because you're just as strong as Garroth, if not stronger. You think I wouldn't be concerned? My supposed fiance and father of my kids suddenly leaving us for a few days because of work isn't supposed to concern me? Well it does, I'm concerned when you leave, that you'll find someone else. I'm concerned when you're gone, I worry that something's happened to you. I'm concerned as soon as you come back, afraid you'll tell me that you're leaving me. I'm even concerned when you've been at home, that someone's gonna rip us apart or you'll leave us alone," I was starting to cry, "DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ZANE?! I'D DIE FOR YOU, I'D LIVE FOR YOU, SOME DAYS I ONLY BREATHE BECAUSE I KNOW IF I DO THAT I'LL SEE YOU! I LOVE YOU ZANE RO'MEAVE WITH EVERYTHING IN ME!" I was full on sobbing and shaking now and Zane pulled me into a hug. It was a tight hug and made me feel loved. As I trembled in his arms he just gently rubbed my back and started leaving butterfly kisses along my neck, only able to reach my neck because he had hoisted me up so that my legs were around his waist and his arms were around my lower back. "I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry," He whispered I'm my ear, holding me tighter.

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