The Voyage PT. 1

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Zane was too busy manning the tiny ship to know I was even awake. I rolled out of bed and almost tripped over a small journal, bound together with seams that were coming apart and the cover was tattered. I picked it up and sat on the bed. I opened it slowly, wary of what I might find inside.
Entry #1
A new book, great! I needed this. I need to record all the information I find on the relics here, and maybe a bit of personal info.

I skipped a few pages and it fell open to this
They say I'm strong
I feel drained
My core broken
I can barely function
It's taken over
The demon is eating my soul
Slowly blood trickles down my heart
But it was broken anyways
Help me
I'm broken
I'm useless garbage
Throw me away
"(Y/N)! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY NOTEBOOK?!" Zane yelled and I dropped his notebook on the ground. My headache felt more intense in that moment and I groaned in agony. Zane sighed and walked over to me. He quickly pulled me into a hug and I just cried a bit into his shirt. That poem I read made me want to cry. I also couldn't stand being alone, Monophobia as they called it. Zane pecked me on the forehead and yawned. "Alright, need to go-"
"NO!" I shrieked as I buried my face into his chest, "ZANE PLEASE!" Tears streamed out of my eyes.
"(Y/N) look at me," he commanded. I pulled back and looked up into his piercing powder blue eyes. He bent down and kissed my lips gently. He pulled back. "Why don't you go to sleep. I'm volun-TELLING you too."

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