Title.Exe has crashed

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I yawned and laid on the bed by the window. There was a nightstand beside the side of the bed opposite of the window. I sat up quickly and face palmed while groaning. "What's wrong?" Zane asked as he looked over at me with his ice blue eye.
"I forgot my clothes," I sighed. Zane just chuckled and grinned.
"I think you'd look better with none on."
"ZANE!" I yelled and threw my pillow at him. He caught it and snickered. He tossed it back to me, along with a shirt. After further examination I found out that it was one of his shirts, and it was comfortable to sleep in. Infact, that was a piece of his nightclothes set. I got undressed and slipped it on, much to Zane's amusement. I turned around and looked at the long gray shirt that reached my knees. "You can keep that for now," he said as he walked a bit closer to me. He looked down at me and smirked. "Now you get some rest my love. I plan on taking you out to do something a bit later if you don't mind." He pulled back the blanket on the bed and I got on. Once I was comfortable he put the blanket over me, his face pink. "Look, I'm not one for this soft stuff. You just go to sleep and you better wake up or I'll kill the whole countryside. Got it?"
"Yes sir."
"Yes Zane not sir," he corrected. I smirked and slowly felt my self drift off to sleep.

Once I checked to make sure Y/N was really asleep I grabbed the key and walked out of the room and made sure to lock the door. I shoved the key in my pocket and walked down the halls and down the stairs. That annoying man was sitting there at the counter, the same one who was looking at MY Y/N! "Heh, it's just you. Say, who's that cutie you were with, where is she and us she single? Man, the things I would do with her." I shot him a hardened glare and walked up to his desk and glared down at him. He looked up at me and snickered. "What you gonna do? Stab me?"
"I will if you keep hitting on my Y/N," I growled.
"I'm a lion compared to you."
"Heh, lions and tigers and bears, I don't care, I go hunting and put heads on my fireplace," I sassed.
"You still wouldn't stab me." I drew one of my flimsy, well flimsy compared to my dark blade, diamond daggers out and threw it down at him. I barely missed him on purpose, leaving the dagger stuck in the ground by his chair. "Next time, I won't miss. Leave. Her. Alone." I backed up from his desk and turned to walk out of the door. "And don't think of selling that dagger. Hold on to it, trust me, at this rate diamonds will be extremely valuable in the near future." I left the inn and went right into the lively town. I walked through the crowds in the plaza. There were many cute little shopping booths. There were some for food, backpacks, knick-knacks and whatnot. My eyes fell on one for female clothing. I instantly thought of my precious Y/N. I smile creeped onto my lips. I saw an array of wonderful dresses as I walked over. A pretty dark skinned woman sat at the stand, her curly, knappy and thick hair put up into a ponytail. She smiled at me with her bright white teeth. "Hi, I'm Mystic, it's nice to meet you," she kindly introduced, "would you like to purchase something?" My eyes fell on three dresses, one (f/c) dress, one (second f/c) dress, and a (f/c) and (second f/c) warrior outfit (like Aph's at the end of season 1/2 and the very beginning of 2/3) that would compliment her well. "I would like those three sets," I requested as I gestured towards those.
"That's a nice choice sir. Especially for a lovely young woman. That'll be 500 gold," she said grinning like a maniac. Her pale friend with light brown and blond hair popped out of the booth from seemingly the fourth wall. "Excuse my friend. I'm Neeks. The real price is 50 gold, but Mystic's a bit of a troll." I passed her 50 gold and she gave me the outfits. "Thank you sir! Come again!" Neeks dismissed nicely.

So everyone. It's my Wattpad birthday this entire month. Anyone have any suggestions for what I should do on wattpad to celebrate my WATTPAD birthday? And go follow MynameisNeeks by the way ^^

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