Calm. Down.

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     Time flies by on days like these, Frank and Gerard free on the open road. Going wherever the car would take them. The road would flow them to swampy plains to deserted dry areas that they both just called 'the middle of nowhere'. That's where they were now. The absolute middle of nowhere.
     It's not exactly a desert like in the movies - although hot enough to differ - but an outstretch of land that seemed to go on and on for centuries. There was extremely green grass, untouched by man, absolutely breathtaking. Every second he stared, Gee wanted to leap from the car and just lie in the sea of green for hours, Frank by his side.
     Frank kept his eyes on the straight road, there were no turns or buildings which made him quite paranoid. But as long as Gee was safe and secure in the car he would be just fine.
The radio blasted the Misfits - much to Gee's protest - the music scared him, and Frank knew he would eventually be listening to Gee's princess tunes.
    As if it were right on que, Gee opened his mouth to complain about the punk music. "Daddy! Lets listen to something pretty! This is so scary! It's pretty outside, we need pretty music!" Gee exclaimed, and Frank smiled. He smiled because he knew Gerard so well, he could guess most everything although Gee was just filled to the brim with little surprises.
    Frank nodded, his smile still prominent on his lips as he pulled his 'American Psycho' CD out of the cartridge. As he was about to slip Gee's sparkly princess music CD in, it happened. Frank's Audi 6 began to rumble. Gerard jerked forward, thank god he had a seatbelt on. The car shortly pulled to a complete halt, and Frank cursed under his breath.
     It took a minute for Gee to finally register what had just happened, and whipped his head in Frank's direction. "Why did we stop? Is everything okay!" Gee exclaimed. "Yes baby we're fine, calm down..." Frank assured him, knowing this situation was the opposite. Gerard sighed, getting his tension ooze out when Frank had told him that. When daddy said it was okay, the  was definitely okay, Gerard knew that.
"I'm gonna go look at the engine, okay baby? Stay put." Frank said, stepping out of the car. Gerard watched intensely at Frank, watching him disappear under the hood. Gee fumbled with the end of his skirt, biting his lip. His hands were already starting to quake, he already knew this wasn't going to end well.
     Frank returned to the car, taking a seat in the drivers side. "Is everything okay daddy?" Gerard asked again only wanting to hear the same words, scooting next to Frank and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Everything's fine sweetie, daddy's gonna call someone to help okay?" Frank said, smiling sweetly at his little. Gerard sighed, moving his chubby thighs on Frank's lap, his arms never leaving his neck as he placed his cheek on Frank's heartbeat. Listening for every thump.
     Frank had his phone out, arms stretched awkwardly around Gee's back, and googled a few numbers. The first to show was a towing service, and he was sure they would help. Frank called the number, smiling when the person on the other line picked up. They talked for a while, and the man had said it would be about 50 for them to tow (A.N I cANT FUCKING SPELL????!????) it back and forth from the nearest town. Frank got of the phone, and sat it beside him in Gerard's seat, and pulled his arms around Gerard's back, burying his face into Gerard's neck. "What'd they say?" Gee asked, it coming out in a muffled tone against Frank's chest. "They said it would be about an hour-" Before Frank could finish, Gerard lifted up, looking into Frank's eyes with dread. "An hour! Daddy! What if we die! What if there's a bear out there! What if we get robbed?! What-what if-" Frank hushed him, petting his red locks lightly. "Everything's gonna be okay honey, Daddy's here. I won't let anything happen to my baby," Frank assured his little again, already feeling Gerard's body start to quake with worry. He couldn't let him get too worked up, knowing that would most likely would cause him to pass out.
     Gerard placed his head back down, now clenching his daddy's waist tightly, closing his eyes. "Good," Gerard grumbled adding "but is Daddy gonna be okay?" Frank just chuckled at his boy, nodding. "As long as you're safe, daddy is just fine." Frank said, rubbing Gerard's back. "I love you daddy..." Gerard said, the smile evident in his voice. "I love you too sweets," Frank said back, and they waited for the full hour safely, not eaten by bears.

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