Shy (smut)

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     Today, could not get any slower. Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. Gerard sat on his bed, hands roaming his body. As much as he knew he shouldn't, he needed touch. He yearned for his hands to be replaced by Frank's. He wanted to touch himself so badly, but it was such a bad boy idea. He didn't want to be a bad boy. But he didn't want to go all day with a hard on until his daddy got home. Gerard grumbled, turning onto his stomach. He let himself relax, and cleared his mind of any nasty thoughts.
     All he could do was wait. He didn't want to wait. Gerard took a glimpse at the clock above his door. It was 2:53, Frank got off work at 3, but it would take him more time to get home. Gerard bit his lip, finally deciding to lift up his skirt and pull down his panties. He wrapped a hand around his fully hard cock, pumping it fast. He had too little time to finger himself, so he stuck to the straight way and stroked himself.
He threw his head back, his back arching above the mattress, all of his muscles tensing. He was so wound up, he could come at any moment. Small cries and whines left his lips as he dipped the pad of his thumb into his slit, smearing the pre come. "Daddy..." Gerard said barely at a whisper, just imagining it was Frank's hand instead of his own. His mouth hung open after that, his hips bucking up on the brink of his climax...
When suddenly, a door shut. As much as he hated to, Gerard's movements came to a halt, and he arose from the bed. He pulled his skirt down, running his fingers through his hair, the sweat on his hand making them both stick together. He took a deep breath, finally finding the courage to open the door and walk downstairs.
    Gee still sported an obvious boner, so he sped to Frank too fast for his daddy to notice. He did his usual, cuddling and kissing his daddy, Frank doing the same. "Daddy home! Daddy home!" Gerard chanted, holding onto his daddy for dear life, his erection pressing forcefully into Frank's thigh. Gerard prayed he couldn't feel it.
The moment died down, and Frank had pulled away from Gerard. Frank made his way upstairs, his mind set on a nice hot bath with Gerard. It was always nice to lay back naked with Gee in his arms. Frank spent a majority of his day waiting tables, which isn't the best paying job, and that didn't matter. He was able to be home at about 3:00 every day, which gave him as much time as he needed to feed, bathe, and and cuddle his baby. The only problem he had with the job was the load of dick heads that gave him a hard time in their orders, but that's where Gerard came into play to make him feel better.
     Frank was halfway up the stairs when he looked back at Gerard, who was standing awkwardly with his arms crossed at the foot of the flight of stairs. His legs closed tightly together for an unknown reason.
     "Let's get you cleaned up sugar, come ere,'" Frank said, confused on just why Gerard wasn't following him. Gerard was quiet for a moment, his mind racing, trying to think of what to say. "I... I'm a big boy! I wanna take a big boy shower!" Gerard said, excited to fix his 'problem' but also that he was about to do something on his own for once. "You sure? You don't wanna bath with daddy?" Frank said, stepping down the stairs. "I'm sure! I can wash my hair and everything!" Gerard added, finally persuading Frank. "Okay, but I'm not letting you get shampoo in your eyes. I'l be in there to do that, and to help you get dressed," Frank said, as Gerard nodded along with each word.
Gerard was shaking with excitement, he could barely hold his jammies when Frank handed them to him. "I'll be in here in about 5 minutes okay?" Frank said. Gerard nodded again, closing the door before Frank could carry on with conversation. Seconds later Gerard was springing out if his clothes, tripping everywhere, but making it into the hot spray. He immediately turned his attention to his aching cock, doing the same as earlier. He only had about 3 minutes until Frank would be inside to shampoo and condition his red locks. He pumped fast, his hand moving up and down quicker with the slickness of the water. He could barely stand up. Gerard began to tumble, tripping over water, which eventually landed himself a seat on the floor of the shower. His lips made a perfect 'o' shape, his head leaned back, water landing in his mouth. He was reminded how it felt to suck daddy's cock and have his warm cum on his tongue. Without warning, Gerard moaned. Loud. Very loud. He was too deep in how he was feeling to be phased by the action. "Daddy!" He whined, pumping faster. "Daddy I'm gonna cum!" Gerard panted, his breathing getting faster, almost choking on the water.
"Cum for me baby," Frank murmured, his smirk evident and his arms crossed. "Daddy! I didn't mean to I was just-!" Frank shushed him, petting his hair. "If you needed to cum baby you should have just told me," Frank said. Gerard looked down, his palm still touching the underside of his leaking cock. "Can you help daddy?" Gerard said, barely at a whispered. "Of course baby..." Frank showed a soft smile, replacing Gerard's hand with his own. He began to pump slowly, going faster and faster with Gerard's breathing. "Mm... Daddy..." Was all Gerard could stutter, his eyes fluttering shut. "That's it baby, you want daddy to finger you?" Frank asked, and Gerard nodded in response. Frank stopped his pumping, lifting Gerard's length to reveal his tight hole. Frank pulled his fingers to his lips, using his spit and the spray of the shower as lube. He brung his hand back down, teasing his hole with his pointer finger. Gerard couldn't do anything but whine, his eyes shut so tight his lids were close to clashing over each other.
     Frank pushed the digit inside, feeling Gerard clamp around his skin, mewling. He moved it in deeper, waiting a moment before pushing in them back out again. He repeated until Gerard's mewls of pain turned into moans of pleasure. Frank wrapped his palm around Gerard's skinny length, stroking fast up and down. Gerard was seconds away from release, and he felt it running through every inch of his body. "Daddy! I... I'm gonna... Ah...Ah....Ah!," Gerard's back arched, his hips thrusting harshly into Frank's hand. His hot cum shot out, lathering Frank's hand but was quickly washed away by the water above them. "T-Thank you daddy..." Gerard panted. Frank smiled once again, standing up from his position that was kneeling by the tub. He reached to turn of the flow of water that was now cooling rapidly due to the loss of all the hot water.
     Now, Gerard was at a loss of words. He had finally gotten what he so desperately needed. He stepped out of the tub, standing awkwardly naked next to it. Frank grabbed one of Gerard's pink kitty towels, the one with the little hat and paws  so he could pretend to be a kitty. And yes, even naked, Gerard still wanted to be a kitty. Gerard hooked both his hands inside of the soft pockets, making a loud "roar!" Frank just chuckled, rubbing the towel over Gerard's soft skin. "I don't think cute kitties make that sound Gee," Frank smiled. Gerard thought about a relevant response before answering back. "Yeah but I'm not a cute kitty, I'm a ferocious lion!" Gerard said, making a louder 'Roar' noise.
"But wait, if I'm a ferocious lion, what is daddy?" Gerard wondered out loud, tilting his head. Frank shrugged, using the hat on the towel to dry Gerard's hair. "Daddy can be whatever you want him to be," Frank assured him. "Oh! I want daddy to be a puppy! A cute puppy! The fluffy ones with floppy ears!" Gerard exclaimed, jumping with excitement. After his hands were dried, Gerard lifted a hand to Frank's thick stubbled chin, feeling Frank's scruff. "So soft and cute!" Gerard couldn't contain his excitement at this moment. "Looks like I'm a puppy now huh?" Frank asked, smiling at his baby boy. "Yep! Does this mean I can call you Puppup?!" Gerard asked and Frank chuckled. "I think I would prefer daddy for now," Frank said, and Gerard agreed.

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