Cute shit bc ive been gone for an eternity

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     It was 4 am. Or 5. Frank really wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was lying down next to his baby, who was lost in deep sleep.
     Frank had his arms wrapped around the tiny boy, with his head on his chest. Frank watched with content as his small frame rose and fell with each peaceful breath. A pacifier hung lazily out of his mouth, along with a dribble of drool. But Frank didn't mind. It was fucking adorable.
    Frank petted his baby boys hair, and felt it's softness between his fingers. He pulled a peace behind his ear, but it stuck to his face in the drying saliva.
      The caregiver just wanted to kiss his baby. Just wanted to touch his soft, and probably slimy lips to his own. But he couldn't just wake him up, then he'd be upset and cranky. Frank didn't really feel like punishing the little tonight, so he kept to himself.
     Instead Frank settled for kissing his forehead, and closed his eyes.
     "Daddy," said Gerard, poking at Franks prickly chin hairs. There was no reaction. "Daddy," Gerard spoke again, but this time held out the Y.
     The time was now about seven or eight. Frank had just began to fall asleep when Gerard woke up miraculously on his own.
      But when he did, he quickly found the reason why. His pacifier was missing. He couldn't sleep without it!
     Gerard looked around, but didn't shuffle too much in fear of waking his Daddy. He was tired, so he decided to wake Frank up and make him look for it. Daddy always found it if he couldn't.
      So, after a few more face pokes, Frank opened his sleepy eyes. "Yes love?" Asked Frank.
     "Can't find my paci. It disappeared I can't find it," Gerard pouted.
     Frank sighed, and felt around the sheets. He found nothing.
     "Hmm. Are you sure you didn't take it out?" Frank questioned.
     "No, of course not. Can't sleep without my paci," Gerard stated.
      "Okay. Come on," Frank motioned for him to sit up.
      Frank looked over the edge of their large bed, and sure enough there it was in all its pretty pink glory.
     "Wha do ya know," said Frank, holding up the object.
     "Aha!" beamed Gerard. He snatched it out of Franks hand.
      "You sure you don't want me to wash it off before you-" before Frank could finish, Gerard popped it in his mouth and cuddled up to his Daddy.
     "That works too," said Frank. He cuddled his baby up to his chest, and laid down into their previous position.
     But before he could again fall dead asleep, Frank pulled the paci from Gerards mouth. Gerard whined dramatically, and jutted out his lip.
     "What do we say?" Frank asked politely.
     "Fank you Daddy," Gerard answered. The lisp was adorable, it always made Frank melt to the floor.
     "You're welcome baby boy," Frank petted his baby's hair. "Now give me some sugar."
     Gerard leaned up and pecked Frank quickly on the lips and took his paci back; he popped it back into his mouth.
     The kiss was quick, too quick for Franks preference. But he thought it would do for now. He could kiss Gerard all day and all night if he would let him.
     Soon enough they both were fast asleep, and the morning came with lots more kisses and aaaAAAAAAAA

Henlo, how is everyone? Its been sO long jfc. Sorry this was so shitty but I wanna keep writing. Love you guys though ❤❤❤❤❤❤ this was so bad oml sorry. Might not get any better lmao ❤❤

Aalsssoo wowow what do you guys wanna see more of ?? Idk I already have requests I haven't even started on but YEeT I'll take whatever rn wwwOwoaOwowo

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