Candy 4 the sole

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     I just got back from work early in the morning, before Gerard had even woken up. These days my shifts ranged from two in the morning, till eight and it killed me waking up so early, but it was worth being able to spend the rest of the day with my little boy.

     I - as quietly as I could - made my way upstairs into his nursery to check on him and I saw he was fast asleep in his small little baby blue crib. I smiled contently to myself, admiring the sleeping boy before me. My sleeping boy, hands balled into fists in his sheets, eyes closed, and drool sliding out of his mouth onto his cheeks. Precious. (I like imagining the drool i thINK ITS CUTEESMZK)
So he finally woke up, and I began making breakfast, and we ate and planned out the day. We decided it was a nice day outside, and went to the park, got ice cream, played with Legos and stuffies for two hours, ended up playing 'who can get the whiny boy into the bathtub to clean him for once' which is a very simple game where I chase Gee around the house naked while he screams and acts like I'm going to throw him into a pit of lava, but usually end up with Gerard screaming and crying, until I finally tell him he doesn't have to. Then right before the day was pronounced over, Gerard wouldn't go to bed. He had been such a bad boy today, I don't have any clue why I don't just bend him over my knee and spank him into next week, but his damn puppy eyes leave me to do nothing about his actions.
He sat, right there on the counter in his blue nightgown and panties, his arms crossed and legs swinging. "Just come with me to bed sweetie we can cuddle all night in my bed, I promise," I assured him. Gee just shook his head, humphing as he did so. "No because if I do, you're gonna wake up and leave me like you do every morning," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Gee, you're not even up when I go to work, or even when I come home, what does it matter?" I asked him. I mean, at least I don't think he does, sometimes he hazily opens his eyes when I'm sliding out of his fucking iron cuddling grip, but he usually shuts them, and sleeps until it's time for me to come home.
Gerard groaned in annoyance at him, beating his hands on the countertop. "Because Daddy! I have bad dreams when you're not there, I dreamed about a big, big spider last time!" He stretched out his hands, getting them out as far as they would go. "It was this big Daddy! This big!"
I brought my hand up to my temple, rubbing it, trying my best to prevent my oncoming headache. "Gerard, I swear to god, if you do not-" I stopped, suddenly remembering what I had in my pants. It's pink, hard, and sweet, but after a while kind of sour, a thing that Gerard just loves to suck on.

     A watermelon lollipop.

     Of course! That was the perfect thing! Although it might keep him up for a while because of its sugariness, that boy will do anything for any type of candy. I just happened to snatch it from him right before he could ruin his dinner, and put it in my back pocket. This was perfect!
     I smirked at him, reaching into my back pocket, and retrieved the warm candy. (Y'know like when you leave candy in your pocket and it gets really hot and gross fucc I hate tahtt)
     Gerard's face instantly lit up like a Christmas tree, and he whipped off the counter onto his feet. But before he could run and snatch it out of my grasp, I held it above his head out of his grabbing range. He whined, making grabby motions at the candy.
"You see this Kitten?" I asked and he whined and nodded. "The only way I'll give you this is if you..." I thought about this for a second. Obviously, this candy holds a lot of power... So I might as well abuse it while I can.
"The only way you can get this is if you take a bath, can you do that for Daddy?" I asked him. "Yes Daddy!" Gerard squealed, and ran up to the bathroom and started the bath.

Oh yes, I'm definitely going to have lots of fun with this.

Bath time went smoothly, with Gerard not shedding one tear as I scrubbed his hair, his body, even between his toes! I'll tell you now, I have never gone that far before.
So after I got Gerard dressed, him hurrying in the process, I decided to give him another thing to do. I pulled out the lollipop, holding it above his head like I did before. "But Daddy you said I can have it after I took a bath!" Gerard protested. I shook my head, smirking. "Uh-uh, if you want this you're gonna have to clean up this bathroom," I said. Gerard looked at the bathroom around us. "Clean up what daddy?" He asked. It was pretty obvious, he's just trying to get out of it. Water was spewed everywhere, do to his hurry to get out, bubbles were still in the tub, and his dirty towel was still in the floor. Finally he got a more detailed look, blushing a bit. "Oh yeah.." He said, and miraculously, he went to work.
Later that night I got him to wash the dishes, clean up all of his stuffies and Legos and actually put them in their proper bins and not just shoved somewhere in his nursery, he made my bed, fixed up his crib, brushed his own hair, fed the dogs, and even took the clothes out of the drier and folded them.
I was laying in bed in my pajamas on my phone, waiting for him to be done. I had the lollipop on the drawer next to me, out for show in case Gerard came to look if it was still there, and to make sure his work was still relevant.
Soon, he came in the room in his cute little jammies, holding a stuffie by the arm in his had, an extremely tired look on his face. I sighed as he walked over to the bed without a word.
He flopped down, dragging his body up to where I was laying, covering himself up and closing his eyes. "Hey, I think you've earned it," I said, getting the lollipop from the drawer and showing it to him. He opened his eyes for a second, tiredly looking at the candy, but just shut his eyes in pure exhaustion. I smiled at him, and my accomplishment of finally getting him into bed, and put the lollipop inside of the drawer next to me, saving it for another day.
This was a request from Gay_Drama_Queen she's rllyyyyy cccooooooollll aND HER IDEAS ARE SO GOOOD AND I HAD A TON OF FUN WRITING THIS PPLLSS MORE REQUEST THANK YOU

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